Yeah my son is a little rascal when hes very tired. I went through the same thing last night.
Oh I have just laughed at this as my LO is the exact same, he even decided to push out a wee on his bedroom floor, laugh whilst doing it, stop, then continue doing it all the way to the bathroom. I know they are learning but he was definitely pushing that out! He goes from being nice and clever to pulling my hair, trying to nip/grab me, and even biting. It is always when he is over tired but then it takes sooo long to bring him.back down. It gets to bed time and then I'm tidying everything up and just wanna collapse and think what the hell just happened. He also tries to ride our cockapoo like a horse and deliberately hides the dogs toys in places he knows the dog can't get to 🙄...folded washing, he's jumping on that and knocking it down, also he'll head bang on the floor or if I put him in his cot when he's having his tantrum. Enjoy whatever rest you can! We will survive!?!
Maybe push bed back half hour ? They know how to test xxx