If you have the option to go part time do it. You won’t ever get this time back with your baby.
A few days ago I read something that said You are replaceable at work. You are not replaceable at home. If you can do part time, do it. I didn’t work for 7+ months and when I decided to start working again, I decided on part time. It is great so far.
@Kathryn his about 4 months
@Haley 💚 I'm upset since I love my job (expect in winter) and I don't want to quit but I also don't want to be with out my son , I'm heart broken and I'm full time till next week 💔 😢 to see how it goes but I have to know what others have done
@Andrea I literally had my 1st day back and I was so upset , and don't want to work but at the same time I have to 😭😭 but if I go part time we will be good
I went back full time (also nights) 3 weeks ago. The first few days were hard but my partner sends lots of pictures and videos that I can watch during my pumping breaks and now that my son is almost 4 months he's essentially sleeping through the night except to feed 1-2x so I don't feel like I'm missing much. Around the week back mark I got back into my groove and it's been good since then. I love my job though so that definitely plays a factor.
@MK hubby isn't awake and is to out if it when he did wake up with him
He sends them in the evening before they go to bed (I leave for work at 6pm and get home at 8am) so he's not up sending pictures at like 2am or anything.
@MK I work 11pm to 8 am 🥺🥺
Maybe try part time for a few months. You can always go back to full time if you ever want to or need to.
@Andrea 🥺 I'll definitely look in to it I'll ask them tonight if I go part time if I can come back for full time
Go part time, you can always move to full time in the future
@Jess imma do it if I can't keep my 2 days I NEED off on top of 2 more
I work full time and it’s ok, it gets better with time. 100% would switch to part time if I could
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@Rebecca my son not happy his crying so much 😢 fiance just told me
Prior to mat leave, I worked Monday and Tuesday nights, Friday early and Saturday late. When I go back next month, I'm doing my 2 night and the Saturday late (due to childcare) & already dreading it. If you can afford to go part time, I would. I wanted to just do the 2 nights but we can't afford for me to drop the Saturday late.
@Sophie I'm planing on going part time, but at the same time fiance might also so he can do tattos till he's good enough to be an artist , I'm working 11 to 8 am instead of 10 to 7am n my lead is annoyed with it
Not sure how old your little one is but this time really is precious. If you can afford to only go back part time maybe you should make the most of that ❤️