Baby not eating

Anyone else’s baby not eating much at all? Keep seeing posts about babies eating 3 meals etc a day and some days my 1 year old will only eat a yoghurt and a bit of toast. It’s really starting to get me down 😔
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My baby is exactly the same so you’re definitely not alone! The majority of the food I offer her she either chucks on the floor or will refuse it and shake her head no😢 she loves yogurt too and blueberries and of course them melty puffs. Can’t seem to get enough of them🤦‍♀️ I agree though it is very disheartening and I would love her to be a good eater and enjoy a variety of food/meals. I think it will get better as they grow! Xx

My son was exactly the same he’s now 3 and still eat hardly anything and he’s doing just fine so don’t worry to much

Yep my son is exactly the same, can go days refusing everything I give him. Still completely relies on milk. Hoping it changes soon

I was just about to post this! My daughter is nearly 1 and I Just picked her up from nursery and they said she is the WORST eater they have come across and that the zero interest is not usual. They said they would write a letter for our paediatrician who has basically said previously there is nothing wrong with her (went to them about constipation and eczema). I am concerned and wondering at what point does this become a medical issue? Or am I being silly and they truly do just grow out of it one day?

My boy is exactly the same. Will happily accept porridge, banana, yogurt and fish fingers but refuse anything else 🤷

I was literally about to write this right now as I feed my daughter! She is still breastfed but has very little interest in food. Loves a Heinz jar, weetabix, cheese omlett but then that’s about it. When I see these groups of baby’s eating 3 meals a day and 2 snacks my head nearly falls of because Zola somtimes eats weetabix and then fruit puree or yogurt! That’s it and she’s just turned one. I think it’s hard aswell when people say limit the milk intake but if she’s not interested in food she also need to be fed! Anyone willing to share a little routine they have time line wise as I also am stuggeling with a routine aswel. I have such a happy chilled baby so she’s never upset so I never no if she’s hungry or tired so i literally just wing everyday

When you say yogurt, do you mean like yoghurt based baby food? Also how much of it are they eating a day? I’m honestly jealous, my child can easily go through at least 40 oz of baby purée a day on top of 3 full meals and multiple snacks. He eats more than me… 🤣 he’s getting expensive to feed! Enjoy the smaller portions while you can!!

@Jay @Jay my daughter sounds very similar to yours. She is also still breastfed. Our routine looks abit like this, Wake up 7am- boob Breakfast 8am Nap- sometimes lol 9.30 (boob) Snack- 10.30/11am Dinner-12.30/1pm Nap-2.30 (boob) Snack- 3.30/4pm Tea- 5/5.30pm Supper- 6.30 Bed-7/7.30 (boob) I know it seams like I give her lots of snacks , but tbh I just try to feed her little and often as she doesn’t each much at any meal time. Her snacks consist of fruit, crackers with cream cheese, melty puffs/ rice cakes, yogurt, cheese etc. hope that helps xx

We're the same - he was such a good eater when we started weaning but we hit 11 months and then he suddenly hates everything even what was once his favourites Really hoping it's just a phase

My LO hasnt met a food she didnt like, was eating 3 meals in december. This went to sh** when new year hit and its been such a struggle to get her to eat anything other than pitta pizza 🤦🏻‍♀️ yesturday and today shes back to eating 3 solid meals again. Sending possitiveness thats its just a phase

Out of curiosity, what portion sizes are you all serving? My LO loves eating but doesn’t eat a lot at all, but HV says “it’s the right amount to serve and most people just overfeed”

@Amy wow that pitta pizza looks AMAZING! I’m getting hungry just looking at it haha.

@Abigail its a fave in our house and so quick, pop in the toaster, tomato puree or pasatta base, any toppings then under the grill for 4 mins

@Amy what brand of pitta do you use? I think that’ll be lunch for tomorrow sorted hehe

Just supermarket wholemeal usually

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Mine too! I try to give him a proper meal 3 times a day, but he'll eat a little and then be done with it. It gets me worried that he's not eating enough, so I do offer snacks and drinks (water and milk before a nap) throughout the day too but then I'm worried that he's only filling up on snacks! I can't win.

@Kirsty totally can relate to this!

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