Making friends as an adult is hard, even harder when you have kids. The desire is there for most ppl, the effort to fulfill that desire is another story. The best friendships form naturally without being forced 🤷🏻♀️
I want more friends but between being an introvert and exhausted with young children, it’s hard to find energy to keep up with friendship relationships.
I think some folks want followers. Not just the social media type but real life followers, they don’t have to put in the work but someone will check for them. Just waiting for someone to give “they want to be friends energy.” Right now it’s a, “I think I want friends but maybe I’m good energy.”
@Samira perfectly said! The desire is there but the effort isnt! How do they expect to have friendships just expecting the other person to always make plans and reach out? Sometimes i really question how people even have celebrations with other people. Do they really communicate often?
@Tiffiny literally everyone i have spoken to has a maximum of 1-2 friends. But the question is why? Are we so accustomed to acquaintances that we no longer know how to be a friend?
@Megan see the issue shouldnt be our kids! People with kids have the right to have friends too.
@Incognito Yeah I’ve met so many ppl online and offline that wanna make plans to hang out, but the plans either fall through or are never made lol I just gave up.
@Samira i seriously hate that. Idk why people fantasize soo much and not make it a reality. It sucks that we relay so much on virtual "connections" because there is none available physically
I have a lot of hobby and church aquaintances- people I know name and face of, say hi maybe a chat (and a dance at hobby) but I only see them at church or dance events. But I have a handful of close friends I see every couple weeks too. So I have a couple hundred acquaintances if you count church and hobby lol. I know SO many people and they know me but we don’t “hang out”. I hang out w my gfs though. I have met 14 off this app. That’s ironic if you think about it coz I’m not even the majority that live in US or UK.
@Kellie yea that is what a lot of People have. Specific places where they meet and talk and thats it. If you already do have friends you keep in touch then yes those are friends! But so many people only have aquaintences!
I’m finding the older I get the fewer women I associate with. I literally have 1 REAL friend. It’s so hard to find a genuine honest person, man or woman. It’s sad when you really think about it. You’re so right, it is all surface. That’s why I joined this. Figured it couldn’t hurt.