I think you should do it. I think he’s right. Yall don’t need that expensive of a tv but I think yall should go half on it. You are the one with the child at home watching them so it’s kind of your fault too. And since this sounds like yall don’t share money which I think yall should but whatever then I think it’s only fair you go half. Because he could have said it’s your fault you pay for all of it. Yall find a tv that is good and pay for it. The one we have is lg and it was like 300. And it’s a great tv maybe the same size. Find something that works and yall split it. Don’t be petty. I’d be mad too if the tv broke and we for sure would need to find a way to get a new one soon. We use it all the time. And for me it helps me with the kids sometimes to help watch a movie and I need a break. I’d definitely be paying half
Her fault…? Ummm this is all because of a child. Things like this happen when you have kids which is why I don’t recommend a 1,000 TV. If he is working and you are home with the kids he should be okay purchasing another himself. If he can’t afford the same one then get a cheaper television. If he still isn’t able to afford it then use the older TV. ESPECIALLY if your family has other more important needs. This is also a red flag in my opinion so keeps your eyes wide open girl 🙏❤️ That child is your shared responsibility regardless of who is “watching” them.
If you already have a spare TV, then there's no reason to urgently replace the broken one. Wait for a good sale when you have the extra money available. Babies break stuff. It's part of their job description and part of the learning process. Frankly, I don't think children should see a brand new TV just appear after breaking the last one.
@Andrea I called around to a couple places the panel is broken and that cost as much as buying the tv brand new .
post of picture of what it looks like
I’m not easily manipulated, I don’t like how he’s making it seem like this my child and he broke the Tv this is OUR child . And he is also growing and learning he will be 2 soon this is what kids do so vise versa if he was the one at home watching him would be still blame me ? Saying I have to go half with him ? It takes seconds for a child to pick up something and throw it happens like I said there is a spare tv it’s not like we our without a tv the kids have a 55 inch in there room and we have a 55 inch in our room plus the spare is a 50inch Roku tv it has all the apps on there as the LG yes I was the one at home but let’s be foreal I never had a problem going half on another Tv or buying a new Tv I just don’t see the need to buy another $1000 tv for what ? it to happen again ? And then have to spend money we don’t have again ? I’m not married to him why would we need to share our money ? Where in my post did I say I wouldn’t help get another EVEN THO THIS IS OUR CHILD .
I could see if I was sitting on my phone mot paying attention they were sitting on the couch I got up went in the next room and I heard a noise it happen that fast . Playing the blame when we are almost 30 is childish . We can work something out but he knows I’m about to get my tax money so he feels I need to give up $500 knowing this could possibly happen again . I also don’t have a problem moving out of his house and getting my own place which is my next step!
I would offer half!
I would keep the smaller one. Only need 1 tv in the house
refuse, remind him of the priority aka the child. i’ve seen videos of people “fixing” the tv screen that turned into lines by tapping it around with your finger tips , try that