He was like that up until super super recently and now he’s getting better and better every single day. Literally every day he’s saying a new word or greatly improving pronunciation. It’s wild how he went from not much to an explosion of words lol
@Justyna did anything change that you think helped?
Honestly I don’t think much. Cause we just kept doing the same things we’ve been doing since the start. Reading as often as possible. Talking to him as much as possible. Trying to pronounce things in a way that’s more accesible to a young child like talking slower and trying to clearly pronounce every syllable. Putting on shoes like Ms Rachel. Like all the typical stuff they tell u to do. I wasn’t particularly worried about him tho because I do know that children that come from a two or more language household, we speak Polish as well, take longer to start talking which makes sense to me especially since Polish and English are in absolutely no way similar! 🤣 so we just kinda went with the flow and didn’t stress about it. Now if I didn’t start seeing progress of any kind soon I was gonna get a speech pathologist involved.
My daughter is like 2 and a half weeks older then my little cousin and he talks so good. They say every child is different but I feel like she should be saying more words
Yep we are there! It's totally normal, all kids are different and develop in their own ways. It's like all of a sudden one day they will just start talking away! I taught ESL for a while and it really is just different with every kid. We have caught judgement because our two year old isn't talking like others. But Ive tried different toys and signals, the thing that ended up helping was slowly swiping my finger across my lower lip when I worked on words with him and he started to mimic and now he says some words like that.
Mines does the same.