I think “the spark” is a myth. Of course you’re attracted to them more when you meet but most of that is anxiety of not knowing what’s going to happen and excitement of something new. Loving is a choice you make every day. Of course you shouldn’t be repulsed by your husband but there are definitely times when you’re not going to feel “the spark”. You have to make time to care for one another and remember what made you fall in love in the first place
When this happened with me and my partner it wasn’t on his end but mine and I felt under appreciated and unloved because we were not connecting and spending quality time together. So we made a day specifically for us and after about 3 months I was back to where I was and honestly good communication and constant effort makes sure it doesn’t go back to that bleh stage. We’re having our first child together and it’s been 2 years since we’ve been working on it and our relationship has never been better
For reference we’ve been together for almost five years and have known each other for about 7 💞 we’ve always been super affectionate towards each other even before dating but it helps that he’s my best friend before he is my love. I’d say us being friends has been the life saver of our relationship because there were times we did NOT like each other at all but couldn’t let go of our friendship so we would go back to friendship - dating - relationship and it helped us a lot
@Genevieve This is such good advice because it is all awkward now but I’m glad to hear that it’s possible to make it through that! We’ve been together 8 years so it should not be weird to be physical but we just haven’t had time with his demanding job and our toddler that now it just feels so weird when we do.. We definitely still love eachother without a doubt and want to make it through this rut but it almost feels like he’s a stranger physically again and I didn’t know anyone else had felt awkward in their own relationship before so thank you for saying that ❤️
We were together for 7 years when we got pregnant (with twins!) and just celebrated our 11th anniversary 🫶🏼
All relationships have seasons. They all do. Long term relationships go through many seasons. Many times. Love and marriage is WORK. Everyday.
You have to make time for each other , quality time - outside of work parenting and mundane tasks. I found resentment and not feeling heard/appreciated for what you do daily is a vibe killer. Trying to remember you’re on the same team too ! You’re not opponents. X
We been on and off fighting over things a lot lately and it is due to frustration of the isolation of pregnancy and the pressure of getting everything ready for the baby that's coming soon and the only support we have are literally an hour away from us so it just really hard to get by sometimes So we been trying to support each other by reminding to one another that "you're doing a good job" or "I love you, you're amazing" and we try to spend some time alone and watch a movie before bed and talk about anything on our minds and relax with one another
Great sex, keeping romance alive via meeting each others love language, date nights, intimacy and 1:1 time. Do what you did before whilst dating what fuelled that “spark”
We bought those scratch off dating ideas and it’s really helped
I know it sounds terrible, but fake it til you make it. We forced ourselves to have awkward couch cuddles, and awkward date nights, and awkward sex until we started getting back into a couple groove. We’re still working on it tbh, and it took about a year or so of “faking it” til we started making it. Something that really helped in the beginning was reinstating regular physical touch. If he works out of the house, the first thing you do when he arrives home is have a 30 second hug. At least once a day, try to have a 20 second kiss. Also, again, this might sound terrible, but in the beginning it helps to have a drink and/or smoke weed together, if that’s something you’re both ok with. It can really lighten the mood and break the ice and lower inhibitions.