Not to imply anything or make a diagnosis, but significant drooling after 1 is a little abnormal and can be a sign of hypotonia. Does kiddos mouth hang open often? Any issues bottle/breastfeeding when they were little? Issues starting solid?
@Hannah nope mouth is fine and no issues with any of the other things you asked :)
That’s awesome!! Little dude just has a lot of saliva, he’ll figure it out one day lol
Mine does every now and then. At one point, he was still teething with his molars coming through!
Im pretty sure that my son did every now and then when he was two dribble but my girls at one nearly two I don’t really see them drool
Soooo much. And he’s had all his teeth for ages so it’s not that. I think some of them are just more drooly than others! It gets worse when he also has a runny nose
My guy has never been drooly, but both of my nephews drooled until they were 2+