My girl is the same way. The only thing that has seemed to help so far is putting a mirror for her to be able to see me or Daddyman the whole time we’re in the car. I point her car seat mirror towards the rear view mirror/fold down visor mirror and that seems to help us. If it’s dark and she can’t see us anymore she’s right back to screaming though /: hoping she’ll grow out of it, I can definitely relate on how uncomfortable it is to drive with a fit pitcher.
The only thing that worked for me was someone in the back seat with her. My daughter finally stopped crying when she was able to go forward seating
Lol, I am in the same situation, my mum takes him out quickly to feed him and puts him back when he sleeps, sometimes I park my car to breastfeed, the day I drove with him alone I was confused while driving the tears and noise made me lose concentration. I think the only thing that helps is time and someone sitting with them
Have you guys tried taping a picture of ur smiling in front of them on the back seat lol I seen a tiktok & it helped don’t know for how long tho lol a
Advice I received from a PT is to consider getting an L shaped carseat instead of the bucket shaped newborn only ones. They do make them for babies as small as 7lbs. If the problem is because of the position (ex. reflux, gas) it could be worth the switch. In my case my baby was (pain) crying even when I sat in the backseat with him so we could rule out separation anxiety or boredom, and he also stopped crying immediately when we got him out of his seat. Thankfully he is started growing out of the discomfort at 4 months but there was a time he couldn't be in the seat at all, and then for a maximum of 4 min - not quite long enough to get to the grocery store 🥺 or home.
U basically do the same thing I do. I give a paci before I start driving which eventually ends up on her lap and I give her a toy and she just chew on it and plays with it but it works so idk. I use to sing the ABCs to her before because she loves when u sing to her and that’s her fav song but it does get tiring after singing it like 29 times cause as soon as I stop she gets to complaining
Same with us. Just here for the advice.