Midwife appt after due date

My due date is tomorrow. I’ve had no cramping, no signs of labour, nothing. If anything, I feel less pregnant 😆 I have a midwife appt on Wednesday and wondered what should I expect? What do they do in these appts when you’ve gone over your due date?
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Hi, I’m due tomorrow also! Still no signs but have midwife appointment tomorrow morning, hopefully she’ll be able to see if he’s engaged or still comfy for another week or so!

I had a midwife appt at 40+4 similar with no signs of labour. She did the usual checks - urine, blood pressure. She offered a membrane sweep, but my cervix was closed so it failed. They booked my induction slot for 41+2 and I have another midwife appt booked for 41w to try a membrane sweep again.

I had a midwife appointment today and I’m due today they just checked heartbeat and felt baby’s position and asked if I would like a sweep

i was offered a sweep and booked me in for induction and she just talked me through the process of it

I was due Thursday and still nothing!! Midwife appt tomorrow too. I feel exactly the same as you!

I was offered a sweep on my due date but as I’d been low risk all pregnancy we decided to wait and see what Mother Nature would do, I was then booked in for a growth scan at 41+4 as still no signs, so booked in for an induction at 41+5, thankfully when I arrived for the induction they found I was 3cm so got to skip that part, and the labour ward was really busy that night so they broke my waters and gave birth dead on week 42 😊 they did say they were happy for me to decline the induction and just come in for monitoring each day but I was getting really impatient by this point! Good luck! X

i had absolutely no sign of labour when i went into spontaneous labour! all week i’d been having false labour. come friday it had stopped, nothing on saturday. he was born sunday.

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