My son is starting to get there. I'm considering a toddler leash from Amazon. I don't care what looks I get. Safety first.
It doesn't always work but we have our son say bye bye to the thing he's trying to run to - it seems to help him transition!
@Brittany I have a toddler leash for my 2 year old girl. We think she is autistic but it's not confirmed yet. We use the leash while we are out and it saves her from running off and possibly getting kidnapped. I highly suggest getting a leash Heba. It will give you a peace of mind. What I have found that works is having them look for something in front of them (in the direction you need to go), when they start to get fussy get down on there level, help them calm down, and then calmly explain we need to go this way can you help me find (insert a certain object or buliding) they will be so happy to find it. I have found this won't help all the time, my 2 year old is very stubborn and don't have the best speech right now (she is starting speech therapy) and that's what is causing her meltdowns because we can't understand want she wants.
Take away things he likes/wants until he listens
So my daughter does this. I’m not harsh but I’ll grab her hand and explain to her that she needs to hold me hand. She will throw a fit and I wait. And sometime I pick her up and walk. If she is insisting to walk. I tell her then you need to hold my hand or we don’t get to walk. Sounds harsh reading it but she is getting better. They are small so they don’t understand danger. They understand that they want and need right. So walking to her is a luxury as a boy with his games. So I calmly tell her you need to hold my hand. If you have kids their age with friends that already know how. Do similar activities with them so your kid sees to do it. You got this!
Let them have tranumn and when she ready she let u know