It could be 100% normal with no underlying anything, or it could just be her not feeling well/growing. My daughter is on week two of biting, hiring, screaming, and melting down with no ability to regulate her emotions. She is typically very easy to redirect and handles her big emotions well 90% of the time. She’s also been extra tired, so I’m convinced she just isn’t feeling well. If that doesn’t sound like your daughter though it is typically for kids to go through phases on pushing boundaries.
They are all about testing limits, especially between mom and dad. Stay consistent and stick to your guns! We battled ours out for about a week between bedtime and waking up at 4:30 am demanding she wasn't going back to bed. She's my second but I still learned the hard way. If you haven't started time outs, I definitely would now. 1 minute per age. Do not let her break you! 🤣🙃🤪
It’s normal and I’m exhausted. Feels like I’m raising a kid on crack. He’s constantly pushing every button, deliberately doing things he’s not supposed to, straight up just being a dick 😫 all up in our faces, being too rough at all times, it’s a circus here
I feel like this is pretty normal. Mine can get this way too. Moody little things!!!