Not my relationship. Not my business
Yea I’m a little too psycho for that!!
Before kids, yeah for sure. Now with kids, no. IMO that’s a college thing to do lol
I don’t find it hard to understand. It’s a lot to expect total satisfaction and fulfilment from one relationship/one person, and I can see how, with the right boundaries some people are able to have open relationships and be polyamorous. Love that for them. That said, it’s definitely not for me. I absolutely don’t have the right personality traits to feel secure and happy in that kind of relationship.
@Chloe I agree. Hearing stories from my colleague and the whole thing explained from their view on things is actually fascinating! It’s definitely opened my eyes to another way of living life with a spouse but at the same time I can’t say it’s something I would personally enjoy.
I don’t want to have sex with anyone else tbh and I’d get too jealous if he did
It's not for me but if it works for them why not
I respect that more than people that are hiding it and doing outside of the relationship. I was opposed to it at first but at least they are honest with each other. I support whatever makes someone happy as long as it is consensual.
No it’s not for me. I’m sure it works for some people but it seems like a lot of work! I think you’d really have to over communicate your feelings, boundaries, be checking in with each other a lot and then the practical side of having time to invest in multiple people! Sounds exhausting tbh 😅
Each to their own. I’d love to say that I’d be ok with it but I just wouldn’t for myself. Selfishly I’d be quite happy to partake but would get jealous if he did so it’s not for us. It’s not because I don’t love him or that he doesn’t satisfy me. But because to me sex is sex. However, I’m too paranoid due to previous relationship trauma to feel comfortable with him having sex with other people.
I’ve tried it before and got fucked over but the man I’m with now wouldn’t do that to me. Plus we looking for a friend (like a f buddy or something) and possibly maybe a gf in the future
Drinking my water and minding my business 😅
i think the only way i could do something like that is if the third person was involved with both of us. if he had some other gf and i wasn’t apart of the relationship i could not deal lol
Super super dependent on the situation and individuals involved. I’m not against the idea of polyamory, like me and my partner have had those discussions, but for me it’s absolutely gotta be something that just kinda happens, I don’t think I’d make a concerted effort to seek it out.
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Each to their own I say! If it works for them then great, who am I to judge! It sounds like fun if u can both handle it 😅
We don’t swing but we date women together…it’s been 3 years and since our last gf, we stopped since … and honestly we are good with just us until we find a woman on the same page… we probably will start again once our little ones are grown
But just sleeping around? No… to much being passed around, some got entities attached to them…
Idc what people do in their bedrooms, I wouldn't personally do it or tolerate it. But if other couples want that type of relationship, more power to them✊️
Open relationship and swinging are two different things. You can be in a committed relationship but swing together with other couples, so only when your both there together, which is how I’d want to do it
Not my relationship but no judgement. It sounds interesting.
I’m way too jealous!
It never ends well. I think promiscuity in general is pretty gross. But whatever floats people's boats lol
I think an open relationship is the only way to save my marriage, to be honest
I’ve tried it once and I couldn’t do it 😂 what’s mine is mine 🤞🏼😂