I haven’t tried it yet, but had a similar experience at a breastfeeding support group. What part of NJ are you in?
you’re definitely not doing anything wrong! and one of these times that you introduce yourself you will make a connection with someone. Keep trying! some moms take their kids to the park to get some outside time for themselves and might be one of the only times of the day that they’re toddler will play independently (i know that’s been the case for me on occasion) so sometimes the park is a good option for some quiet, not having to tell ur child no, etc. good luck 🤍
@Lauren I’m in Clinton. Not sure if you were asking me lol
@Isabel i was! I’m in south jersey, i was gonna suggest a meetup if anyone is in roughly the same area. And no! You’re not doing anything wrong. I think people just get weird/protective/insecure about putting themselves out there. Keep at it!
I think some small talk about the kids without too much introducing yourself helps to feel out the people. You will understand if they want continue interacting or they just want be by themselves. Or maybe you will see that you don’t want to proceed interacting with that parent lol
Some people are hard to read. Kind of recently I talked to a mom at the library and our kids liked playing together. We exchanged numbers and she texted me once but then never responded after. You win some you lose some. Keep trying but also don’t dwell on it too much. Be happy regardless. Not everyone is looking for friends.
No. People probably just aren’t in the mood lol. Plus some women didn’t want to moms in the first place.
I’m in the same mom and last week that the weather was kind of better I went to the park and the moms there look angry and didn’t look approachable lol I was all smiling and walking normal but not them. It’s hard to make new friends and more if you are new to a place. Someone in Staten Island area :)
I'm scared of meeting moms in the wild lol that's why I talk to people on here first bc then I know they actually want to make a friend
I'm in Kearny nj
I'm up for a meet up
I'm in the south jersey area! I'd love to meet up!
Same!! Some people can be so standoffish at the park, aren’t we all on the same boat?!!