Anyone else’s baby start having full on tantrums suddenly?

14 months yesterday and this week has been rough. 😓 But he also switched daycares and we’ve had houseguests because a family member is in the hospital. So not sure if this is a phase/leap or because of all we have going on.
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My son does this all the time, mostly if he don’t get what he wants and he’s a year old. It happens, sometimes you just have turn your back and let them do it. It works for me, it sucks and it hurts your heart but you got this mama. 🫶

My doctor told me today to expect it any time now... I was like yikes okay lol Mine just kinda squeals or growls at me then immediately moves on luckily lol.

ohhhh yeah. lol. he has them often especially now since he’s sick and teething. if i take something away from him or say no he instantly plops onto the floor and melts down lol

Oh yes. I have to keep reminding myself that he is having big emotions right now and he is having a hard time. Plus he is teething so it’s all chaos in this household.

My son 13.5 months he started having them to get his way with things

My guy is very opinionated and if he wants you A and you offer him anything else, he will throw the offered toy until he gets A. My little sister tried to pick him up and he threw him a arms up and blocked her from grabbing him. He normally loves her but lately will aggressively not accept anyone that’s not mom or dad.

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