If you feel okay and not on pain medication that causes drowsiness I’d say you’re fine. I was driving after 2 weeks too. I’d say go for a drive with your husband first to see how you feel
If you can perform an emergency stop without causing any harm to yourself then. You should be fine. But like Kirsty said you need to check your insurance too
As others have said, check your insurance. Maybe do a little practice around your road and see how you feel. You don’t actually get ‘signed off’ by doctors to be able to drive again.
I would check with your insurance company because some have restrictions on driving post op, but I was driving after 10 days and was just fine. Obviously as long as you're not taking any strong pain medications.
I've just checked online with my insurance and it says "subject to your doctor confirming you are fit to drive, your insurance cover will continue as normal" so I'm guessing that means I wont be covered yet 🫤
@Kerie Skyner just give your doctor a call and see what they say, they don’t write a note or anything they will most likely just give you verbal confirmation with a bit of advice like the above - my midwife cleared me for driving when she took my bandage off my c-section 10 days later x
I started driving at 2 weeks PP. My doctor said as long as I can slam my foot on the brake without pain and I am not on narcotics then I was good to drive.
I checked with my insurance & they said so long as I felt comfortable to drive & stop in the event of emergency then I could drive. I went out with my husband initially just in case I wasn’t comfortable but was back driving after 2 weeks.x
My midwife said i was fine to drive after 2 weeks. It all depends on how well you have healed. She said if you can do an emergency stop, you can drive x
Check with your insurance but I done the same for the exact same reasons. I’d go a wee test run see how you feel but I was fine and 4 weeks postpartum now and driving is back to full time xx
@Christina same here! I thought the rule WAS 2 weeks
Definitely check with your insurance company first!
Although, i had a vaginal birth so was driving my son to school the next morning 😅
I was driving about a week after mine. Just locally mind. Basically providing you can hit the break quickly and not on strong pain relief I was told I was fine.
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I’ve started to drive due to same circumstances but only really doing those short journeys not going too far yet
I was driving after 3 days. I second the "go for a drive with husband and see how you do"
I was driving after two weeks. They say 6 weeks I think as some insurers may require it but the general rule is just check with your insurer ...and if you feel ok. I was fine to drive so I started to. No issues with my c section.
I drove once two weeks after csection and although i was able to, I could feel my body not being 100%. I just felt that if I were to hit the breaks suddenly it would not go well. So i gave myself more time. Im glad I did.
Just check with your insurance company as if you've not been signed off by the doctor yet, it could invalidate your insurance 😊