@Susan thank you 🥺🥺xx
Just give it time, it might just click one day 😊 when I ask my little one what colour something is she says red 9/10 times haha. My little one learns best through playing and reading x
Mine does the same. Every animal is a moo. I’m not worried though. My childminder isn’t concerned and she’s been a childminder for 15 years so will have seen it all I’m sure
Hi, please don't worry. They say that at 18-24 months, your little one is not expected to be able to point at a colour and name the colour but they might be able to hand you a specific coloured object if say hand me the red ball, for example. For animals, again it's quite broad. They start off being able to just point at around 4 animals if you start where is the dog? etc. (16-21 months). Their not expected to make the sounds for the animals until nearer 22 months. I don't sit down and specifically try and teach my LB colours, animals etc. But we read lots and he has picked up a lot from that. I also narrate things that we see around the house, out walking etc. But if you want to check if your little one is on track with what is expected for her adjusted age given she arrived 2 months early then you can download the ASQ questionnaires that the health visitors, etc, use. There is a new one for every 2-3 month age increase. https://www.wchc.nhs.uk/resources/ages-and-stages-questionnaires-asq/
My boy is 19 month will be 20 at end of march he don't no any animals let alone sounds. He bearly talks..as long ad ur reading showing say and making the noises they will pick it up within time. U can no force them to do anything it come when they are ready
You're not failing ,you are doing well as a mother and always remember babies are different, and she will learn at her own pace . Xx