Fathers contact.

I have my 7 month old in a very good routine. Wake up at 8am breakfast and bottle, 12pm lunch and bottle, 5pm dinner and bottle, 8pm bath bottle and bed. My baby’s dad is only allowed to see my daughter in a supervised contact centre. He has contact at 1pm which takes me nearly 2 hours to get to, and him only half hour. I’ll have to leave at 11 catching 2 busses not having time to feed my baby her lunch. I’m being told it is okay for her to skip a meal/ have a late lunch and bottle, which will be around 2.30, messing up our routine. She’s never comfortable having food around new people, as well as the contact centre not advising to have her eat there. Does anyone think this is reasonable?
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At 7 months milk is the main food source so skipping lunch wouldn’t be a big deal and you could do the bottle on the bus. I think the reality is it’s just unfair to put the majority of the travel on you. Is there not a contact centre closer that he can travel to?

I'd say it's fine to skip lunch as she'll still be having milk and you could just provide a snack instead for her that she can have once you're there? It is unfair that you're travelling so far though

Feed her on the bus x

She’s 7 months old.. I can’t imagine a hungry child turning down their milk because a stranger is around them lol.

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