
I had my 36 week midwife appointment today and was advised to start trying to express colostrum. I have given it a go tonight and got the a few tiny beads but I mean tiny, no where near anything I could get into the syringe. How long did take for you ladies to get enough of a droplet to put into the syringe?
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I’m 32 weeks and I am producing a fair amount when I’ve trial squeezed. Are you sure your technique is right xx

With my first it took me a few days to get enough to fill a 1ml syringe (it was just tiny drips I couldn’t collect) due to a mixture of it feeling super weird, getting the technique and the flow! I found using a syringe to catch the little drips, a spoon to put them on, then refilling the syringe with all on the spoon worked best for me!

I’m 36+2 and been doing it since Tuesday. I’ve only got 0.2ml out both times. But my midwife said some people can’t get anything so anything is good at this stage

It’s totally normal! I’m 33 weeks but started at 31 as my baby is high risk for being premature. I had an appointment with a lactation consultant who said that tiny drops can be all someone gets, or you could get multiple syringes. Mine varies from around 0.3ml - 0.8ml per session and I’m expressing twice daily.

Try having a hot bath / shower before. Try not squeezing from your nipple it has to be from behind the nipple / areola. Also the more days you do it the more you’ll build up supply and get more out x

Thank you for the advice ladies, will have another go tonight 🤞x

Can i ask how do you store it ?

I got told by the midwife to put in a syringe (midwife provided these) and put it in the freezer, then bring to the hospital when I go in for the birth.

With my first it took a few days to get the hang of it, I watched a video on hand expressing from positive birth company and this really helped.

I took the Thompson method breast feeding course and the teacher/midwife says unless there is a high risk pregnancy she doesn’t recommend the expressing colostrum before baby comes but if you want to you can but baby will stimulate that for you when they come

Just want to say don't give up if your struggling. Two night with not a drop then tonight I got the hang of it and got 1ml 😅😀

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