Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Adoption, Fostering & Surrogacy.
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any experience of having 2 children with no help from family or friends? My lo is 16 months now and I would love to start trying for another baby. The only thing holding us back is that we haven't had any support from family with our lo, and even with just one it has been very dif...
If so what helped u pick yourself up? I feel so unwanted and rejected.
Hi! I just wanted everyone’s thoughts on visitors. My MIL has stated that she wants to wait in the hospital car park whilst I give birth so she can meet the baby as soon as they are born. I have said, I don’t want visitors at the hospital, but she’s now insisting on waiting, and now she’s insisting on coming over ...
ASK AND I'LL SEND A PHOTO OF HIM Hi I'm a single mom of two wanting to give a warning about my sperm donor being in your state/area His name is DESEAN GREENWALD Age:30 Area: NEWTON NC hes also an abusive narcissist He SA our 5 year old nonverbal child while he can't talk vocally he was able to tell me in his own w...
I want to get my baby Christened. It’s important to me and my husband is very understanding of this, even though he doesn’t have a faith. However, we don’t have family and tbh I don’t have any friends I’d want to ask to be Godparents - they never asked how I got on or took an interest during my pregnancy… they’ve ...
I don’t mean regretting that child, I just mean all the things that come with having 3 children. Less attention and time spent with first 2 children, lack of sleep and time for self care, lack of money, need for bigger everything….
Just curious to the first time mums in this group… Is anyone set on just having one child? Or is it too soon to say for definite? Or do you feel strongly that you want another The pressure of family members saying “oh you have to give them a sibling”… but my LO was born 9 months ago and I’m pretty certain I’m don...
My toddler is almost 2, my partner has been in our life since she was a baby. I get no help. I feel like a single parent. Is this how it’s supposed to be? I’m so tired of it
Should a child of 2 years old and a baby of 3 month old attend a funeral. A family members funeral.
I do want my daughter to have a sibling but I’m not sure if I want to have another baby.
How do people get on raising their children with Christian beliefs but father is atheist. I feel like it's the hardest thing especially when child is confused as to why dad doesn't go to church
On February 21st. Anyone else have a transfer around that time?
Should I allow my father in law to change my newborns nappies. He’s really excited as it is his second grandchild after 14 years. I just don’t know how I feel about it.
Has anyone been referred for a hysteroscopy? We’ve had 3 failed transfers so my consultant has referred me for one to find out if there’s anything going on. Success stories welcome! Xxx
I am in an interracial relationship my partner is black and he is justifiably struggling in this time! Can someone please give me some tips on how to support him in this time!! I’m trying to make sure my partner feels supported and loved as well as make it known that his melanin is celebrated. I want my child growin...
What is the advice you wish you recieved when you went from one kid to two kids? And what would you tell yourself knowing what you know now?
I put my career on hold to have LO, I quit my job and have been a SAHM since. I've been feeling the urge to get back into work recently but haven't been seeing anything in my line of work in my area until last night. I applied for the job feeling a bit unsure, and also thinking I'll probably not get a response, but...
We’ve finally got a date for our 2nd transfer. The 1st transfer was fresh, which resulted in a miscarriage at 8 weeks. Did anyone try to do anything differently 2nd time round? 🤍✨
Headed to the ER for some weird spotting I’ve been having. I’m so nervous but trying not to say positive. Anyone down to chat while I wait? 🤍
So I have a daughter who was adopted at 2yrs old due to dv. Iv had face to face contact with her all her life with her adoptive parents who live in the same town as me. Recently her adoptive parents placed her in foster care as she was asking to come back home to me etc etc long story. But she's currently in a Fos...