Adoption, Fostering & Surrogacy

Thinking about adoption, fostering, or surrogacy? Peanut is here for you. Discover expert advice and real stories from real moms who have been there.

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I don’t have anything to my name no car, no apartment, no job, no $ & no baby father.. accidents happens I would have never brought a baby on purpose into this world knowing i don’t have anything good for her, I know I know people gone say I shouldn’t have laid down either but I did now this is happening.. I use to...


Egg Retrieval Results?

Just had my first egg retrieval yesterday! Would love to hear stats on how many of your fertilized eggs made it to day 5 blasts. Here are my results: -Retrieved: 24 -Mature: 17 -Fertilized: 13


KIT days Work

Has anyone done any KIT days yet? I'm feeling a bit guilty for asking for them so early. I just feel summer is around the corner and we have no real money to enjoy doing anything. Also feeling like this time away from my LO might help me transition better when I go back fully.


So unfair on kids. 🚸

I love “Gentle, Peaceful, Conscious, Attachment, etc...” parenting styles. But there’s a major problem. You see, often, these ideas turn into PERMISSIVE PARENTING and leave parents confused about how to actually hold boundaries and conflicted about which expectations to have in the first place! I want my childr...


Me and my man been feeling the fire and desire

These next couple weeks gonna be sooooo hard to resist. We hot and ready like little ceasars pizza 😫I be almost ready to give in but I got 4-5 more weeks of healing 😫. When is a good time to give in ?


How to get visitors to give us space

Our baby boy was born at 34 weeks and has spent the past 3 weeks at NICU and is being discharged today. On the day he was born my in-laws were asking when they could see him! We decided for let them visit in NICU that day to help settle their itch and to give us space. Roll on to today and they have asked when they ...


Something controversial

I feel at times people are so ready to call the other parent narcissist and claim they are a high conflict parent when In reality they aren’t. Don’t get me wrong yes, there are for sure some crazy people out there others have to coparent with. Even ones who are physically and emotionally abusive. But I see at ti...


Will and legal guardian

Please tell me we are not the only ones that hadn't done their last will and have no legal guardian for their child. I keep telling my partner we need to sort it out but it's like talking to a wall 🤦 Can people who have it sorted tell me how difficult it is? Is it lots of paperwork? And is it expensive?


Welp I fucked it up

So I fucked up my daughters birth certificate and now I don’t know what to do. On my first child’s I never put my birth name just my name now which was changed completely when I was legally adopted. On this one I accidentally did and now I have a feeling it’s going to be a huge pain because I’ll have to bring that p...


BD night before FET

I’ve read so many articles that this is beneficial, anyone partake and go on to get their BFP after frozen transfer?


Advice not parenting related

See comments for details


Colostrum Harvesting! 💉

Anyone else harvesting their colostrum? Now I’m due to be induced on Monday, I’ve upped my game loll. I managed to get over 0.9 in one sitting tonight 😮‍💨 very proud of myself 😂 just had to share somewhere lol. If you’ve been trying and hardly got any, don’t give up! Mine started as a very thick sap-like…


Adoption as a single mum?

What is the likelihood of being able to adopt as a single mum to 1 working part time? It breaks my heart to think of my son never having a sibling.


Adoption of step child

Hi everyone. I wonder if anyone can please help. We are currently in process of my partner adopting my oldest son. His dad has never been in the picture. They have requested us to reach out to my son’s dad for consent. Although I had stressed to them that I am blocked on all social media accounts. Seems as thoug...


Will my daughter call me mom?

I’m a step mom to my husbands two kids (5 and 8). The older one I have known since before we were together so he calls me Jordan. When we got custody of them three years ago, the little one was two and called me mom as he was still learning to talk, and once he heard the oldest calling me Jordan he quickly caught on...


Lithuanian Dual Passport.

My son was born in England to me (fully English & British Citizen) and his dad (fully Lithuanian & Lithuanian citizen). His dad was born in Lithuania to two Lithuanian nationals, has a Lithuanian passport, and is a Lithuanian citizen by birth and nationality. Does anybody know if it is possible for our child to hav...

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