Hi, yes my son every time he saw us using utensils he wanted to use them as well as cups he drinks from a water bottles open cups or zippy cups. Don’t feel overwhelmed, Sometimes first days are hard for the babies in daycare. My son started once he turned one and he wouldn’t nap with the rest of his class he was not used to it. It will take time for her to feel comfortable it’s all new to her.
My girl CAN use utensils. She usually starts with utensils but continues with hands because it's easier/more fun for her. She makes the most mess out of my 3 kids when it comes to eating 😅 She also can drink out of open cups and regular water bottles but I still give her a straw cup since I don't want water everywhere. She even tries to spill the water of the kid's bottle to play with it.
I always offer utensils to my daughter while she eats. She usually gives up half way and starts using her hands. She usually drinks from a straw cup but will drink from an open cup. As someone who used to work in a daycare. It is normal for kids to not to eat or nap when they first start. Once she gets comfortable she will be eating normally. Also she might pick up using utensils quicker if she sees her classmates using them. Do they supply the meals/snack at the daycare? Or do you send in food? You might be able to ask them to send her food that she is more comfortable with like finger food or food you know she will eat!
Yes, same with my son and currently going through the same thing with my daughter. They would tell me my son didn’t know how to walk so they had to move him down, but he had already been walking for Months and was just overwhelmed with the new environment. Unfortunately, my son did take about 4 months to adjust. My daughter had been there a week and she does seem to adjust quicker. Every child is different.
Yes my son can drink from open cups but he sometimes spills if he’s not focused and he can use utensils but he doesn’t always eat. Tbh he will refuse to eat if it’s not fruit, oatmeal or Mac and cheese lol smh Does your baby use utensils at home? I’d just start offering it and see how baby does
@Jillian I can sign up for hot lunch or send food, I did the hot lunch for the fitst few days to see if she will eat. But might change to sending lunch from home.
@BoyMom no she doesnt really use utensils, she will play with it or try a couple times and then toss it on the floor🙃
my son is veryyy hit or miss with utensils, sometimes he’ll use them for a few bites and sometimes he’ll just throw them across the table. He can drink from open cups mostly unassisted but still spills sometimes so we use the munchkin brand practice sip cups