@Mhairi thanks lovely. I’ve done these! Truly I think he’s just having a sleep regression. This week he’s learnt to blow bubbles, suck his lips, sit up for 30 seconds and roll back to front! He’s never woken up in the night either (he was a dream lol) until a week ago and it’s every 2/3 hours!!! He’s finally just gone to sleep after I cradled him haha. I know this won’t last forever and I do love cuddling him, but I am struggling with the fact he just won’t settle at the moment 🥲
That’s good! We are in the same boat. Stay strong 💪 I just keep saying it’s only temporary!!
You’ll get there! I haven’t sleep trained my boy but I think it accidentally happened when he was younger he had bad colic and would cry till he passed out. But now when I put him in his cot he is trying to soothe and sometimes gets upset and grumpy so I will sit on the bed, pick him up and cradle him and then put him back down. This and gripe water on his dummy! Works a treat. Not sure if it will work for you but worth a shot. Idk why but a little bit of gripe water on his dummy really settles him (unless it’s wind or he’s in pain) x
@Kelly thanks lovely! I’ll definitely try that. I’m at a loss on what to do so willing to try everything 🤣
I’m sure you have tried all of these. My normal check list - Winding Feed Nappy If it’s none of the above he is maybe over tired. In which case a walk in the pram / ride in the car seat helps. Sometimes I rock him back and forth in the pram in the house as a last resort. I’m sure it isn’t anything serious but remember you know him best so if you have any doubts at all, trust your gut and get him checked out. Keep us updated