@Yasmin thank you so much
Also recommended hiding veggies! I also have a 3 yo and we do hidden veggie spag bol and well anything with mince has hidden veggies :P but like Yasmin said, don't panic, they all go through it :)
We do lots of blended veggies (e.g. broccoli, spinach or carrots) mixed with cream cheese as a pasta sauce. Or https://www.littlebeeskitchen.co.uk/2016/03/12/broccoli-pea-cheesy-muffins/ I don't blend the veggies very fine but might get your LO to eat them if you do.
Hide the veggies and if she can still tell they are in there blend them into a sauce. My stepson has autism and still at 8 years old will only eat a carrot if it’s honey roasted and that took years to achieve. We blend veg into pasta sauces to get them into him x
If your little one likes pasta sauce I’d defos hide it in there! My little boy loves this lentil&veg pasta sauce I make for his pasta, which has lentils, courgette, carrot & celery in as well as tomatoes &garlic which are in the passata I use! All gets cooked and blended up smooth! Can even add cream cheese to it when serving to make it creamier if needed!
I do the hidden veg trick with a lot of stuff. He has just started to also like it when I mix peas into his mash potato (I dont blend/mash the peas, just stir them in well). My boy is also like yours, high likelihood of autism with food texture/colour sensitivities. I have found he loves puree pouches, so I have started doing veg and fruit mix ones (some are stored bought) and he gets them as a snack. Things like pea, parsnip and pear or carrot and orange or berries and beetroot.
Think the best thing is to either hide them or have them blended in foods, pastas / soups / stews, my little boy hates vegetables 😂 but we keep offering it alongside his safe foods
Very normal for little ones to become fussy at this age. Vegetables often vary in taste texture etc depending on how long they’re cooked, if they’re in season and so they’re unpredictable for Los and they often struggle with them compared to say processed baby crisps as they’re very consistent and they know what they’re getting. Just keep offering alongside other ‘safe’ foods that you know they’ll eat. Don’t pressure them to eat the veg or do any kind of ‘if you eat the veg I’ll give you x’ just offer and make it a low pressure environment. You can hide veg into recipes if you wanna get the veggies in! Pasta sauces are an easy win if LO will eat. Ultimately don’t panic, it’s a very normal phase x