Sorry my message got so long! I think just focus on the positives of your marriage rather than coming at it from a place of attacking. Hope that helps x
I’m sorry to be blunt here but he probably likes her. Why would you talk about another woman so much to your wife? It’s unnecessary would he like it if you constantly talked about another male? It’s not about jealousy it’s boundaries and he’s crossing them. My ex left me for a woman at work who he swore he was just friends with but I knew because he spent so much time with her he’d catch feeelings for her and that’s exactly what happened
This is messed up. He knew it was a date you'd set up just for the both of you, right? Sounds so Sus. I'd be asking him if he's having an affair with this woman. He sounds like he's crushing on her hard.
I know this is meant to be a date night but could be a chance to clear the air as she hasn't actually done anything wrong so far it's been your husband going on about her
Sorry but... forget the woman in my response... Why the hell is your husband so against spending time with just you? Why is he bringing friends/coworkers regardless? Sit him down and have a talk about that. Buy the couples edition of 'adventure challenege'. Put some onus on you two. If he is defensive or weird about it, reflect on that! I would not be happy at all.
Did he know you meant the concert as a date night? If so, that was incredibly rude and inconsiderate for him to invite all his work friends. I wouldn’t be okay with that at all. I’d be uncomfortable about my husband constantly talking about another woman too. Not necessarily saying he’s having an affair, but workplace affairs are sadly very common.
So, you're judging this woman when you've never even met her? That seems silly to me. You could meet her and end up really liking her as a person! My partner has talked about female colleagues many times, and has even said that if I met them I'd probably really like them (as we tend to like the same sort of people). I met one of them and he was right, she was a lovely person who actually helped me when I needed it unexpectedly! I hate the way every comment on here is trying to suggest your DH has done something wrong with this woman, when it doesn't sound that way at all. As for the concert, he probably told them that you had booked it, they then likely thought that's a great idea and thought they'd book tickets too! I'd bet he didn't actually ask them to do it. You need to trust your husband.
@Rebecca not related to this post, but could you tell me what DH means? I see so many people using it on this app.
@Denise means dear husband
Ughhh id be pissed too. Hes the asshole here lol not you. If this was a gift and a date night he should have said to them, ah have fun ill be woth my partner etc.
I think your husband is in the wrong here for multiple reasons. 1. He shouldn’t be going on about that woman so much in the first place 2. He should pick you over that woman, no matter how “irrational” you might be acting (not saying you are) but he is your husband. It’s his duty to take your side! You would surely do the same if he said you talking so much about a male coworker made him uncomfortable. 3. The moment you said you were uncomfortable he should have respected that and stopped talking about her/to her so much. 4. He should respect your wish for a date night just the two of you and not invite his friends along. I think if I were you I would find a calm moment and just approach it from a place of positivity. “We are a team, I was really looking forward to this night out just the two of us; we haven’t had one in so long, it really means a lot to me and honestly I just want it to be us, I know you didn’t mean anything by inviting your colleagues”