I dont know If doing the same meeting in your place but maybe you can found other similar meeting. I found it in "Eventbrite"
Does she drink enough water with her meals? Water should help her with digestion. I find when my little one doesn’t drink enough water with her meal (especially if she’s eaten loads) she can become gassy at night.
@Emily do you stick to the same food everyday? I’ve tried a few different vegetables, porridge and baby rice so far. I’m going to try her with some steamed pears and steamed apples as I’ve been told this can be good for the tummy xx
@Nicole thank you, yeah having sips throughout the meal and tbh she doesn’t even eat a lot I’ve really reduced the food due to this gas problem. She has gone to one poop a day in the late mornings and previously this was 3-4 times daily xx
@Nadia thank you, il have a little look xx
Slightly different as haven’t started weaning but had this exact issue a few weeks ago with our boy. We’d just stated giving him some medicine so it was obviously just his body adjusting. Also went from 3/4 poops a day to just one at the same time. After 5 weeks or so it’s finally better and haven’t changed anything I think his body has just adjusted
We're getting similar and have started weaning but my daughter isn't really eating much yet, just enjoying tastes and textiles rather than eating. I'm not sure if it's just something that can happen around this age. Fingers crossed it doesn't last long for any of us.
No advice just to say in the same boat my little one has started waking up more often crying and gassy and it’s really hard. I’m just trying to think maybe it’s a huge developmental leap for both their brains and their tummies. Will look out on this thread for any advice though as I don’t have any x