MIL calls me by my name when speaking to my baby

When my MIl is talking to my baby she refers to me with my name and not as mummy. Everyone else is called granny, granda and daddy but I get called by name and it really stings! My baby is starting to pick up words so I don’t want her to be confused. Am I being too sensitive or is it disrespectful?
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Disrespectful as hell! Call her out on it

Suuuuuper disrespectful!!! Call her out asap, then ask what is the reason for it?!

Sly! I’d be asking her to stop immediately

I would correct her as she is saying it. ‘Awhh Mummy does.. blah balh’ and let her know that is what you are called to her. If she still does it, I would start referring to her as her name and not as granny or whatever she wants to be called even if she corrects you continue to do it You are not being sensitive, she is being disrespectful

No she is being disrespectful. Just tell her you do not wish to be referred to by your name in front of your baby

She is out of line correct her please!!! oh my lanta I would start calling her by her name to the baby if she continues and stare at her as she stares at u like oh u don't like it ?? but I also choose problems sometimes so just correct her if u need pettiness I'm here 🤣❤️

Some MIL are such bitches. I have a step MIL and I always hate her unnecessary comments she’s a know it all.

@Irene this like I know my baby thank you for your advice though

If you would prefer her to call you mammy to your child then tell her and tell her why. If she doesn't do what you ask then that becomes disrespectful which is a whole other issue that you need to put your foot down too

Disrespect at its finest! Call her out on it every time she does it! You should have to ask her to call you mummy to YOUR daughter

Nah me and MIL would square tf up right then and there. I already am on the fence because my MIL calls my son “grandma’s boy” all the time.

My MIL did this. The first time she said, to my baby, "there's Chris" while I walked through the front door it caught me off guard. I told my wife and she shrugged it off. The 2nd time she did it I looked at my wife and later let me wife know that if she didn't address it I would. And the 3rd time it happened I flat out said, "hey I noticed you're referring to me by my name to my child and while that is great for them to learn what my name is I am not okay with my child calling me by my 1st name as a standard. Don't call me Chris to my daughter. Call me mama or mommy when speaking to her about me." She apologized and hasn't done it since.

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