Greek yoghurt with mashed banana / any other fruit you want to mash in there
We did oatmeal and added different fruits and nut butters to it. He never liked toast so we didn't serve it.
Porridge, weetabix, banana pancakes, toast and peanut butter, omelette, scrambled eggs
We started with whipped bone marrow. Then we only did eggs in different formats and she still has eggs every brekky at 15m :) She now also has berries, banana and yoghurt with her eggs
Thanks all! Sounds great! And did you do baby porridge or adult oat porridge? Or move from one to the next?
I use adult porridge. You can blend it down if you want a mote ready brek texture. Baby porridge has LOADS added to it. Once I finished the first box (or more the dog got hold of it and ate it), I never brought it again. I didn't realise how much was in it till I was already using it
We did porridge and weetabix to start with and added different fruits to flavour it. We than did pancakes (eggless as I didn't have eggs when I made them) and now usually do an orange and a yogurt. Scrambled eggs are a good one to try and toast with different toppings like mashed banana or avocado. Most mornings she has whatever I'm having