Not at all, my daughter goes to bed at 6pm and for everyone’s sake it’s important I stick to that. It’s no fun having an unsettled baby and then trying to get an overtired baby to sleep! You’re doing whats right for your family, don’t worry ❤️
I don’t think you’re being unreasonable however, for occasions I do alter routines for this reason - that way we can all attend and enjoy these moments without restrictions of a routine / just food for thought! X
For occasions I’d say it’s completely ok to change schedules baby’s are relentless and will just jump straight back into the routine the day after! If you’re gonna change everything based on naps/bedtime you’ll never do anything again x
Not unreasonable if you think it’s right for you and your baby however, I would personally go and alter his naps and bottles. Like tonight, my baby usually goes down for 7/7:30 but all our family were round for a Sunday dinner so he just had a short nap at 6:30 and is going down now (8:45) x
There's no right or wrong answer. You've got to do what your comfortable with knowing you are likely to upset someone at some point! I do think it's good to be flexible at times though as there will be times when it's unavoidable to change bedtime and you will want to be involved in special events.
I don’t think you are being unreasonable. LO and routine always comes first especially if it makes your life easier and they should be understanding tbh.