@Julianne first time mom 😭 my bad I. Thought since she kept spitting it out and gagging she didn’t like it. but what are some foods you feed your six month old
Don’t worry about! I’m also a FTM but working with young children so that’s helped a lot, my sons Dr told us about the spitting it out thing actually! My sons Dr told us about the spitting it out thing! My son is 6 months old and we just started solids, we started purées around 4.5m old. I’ve been doing steamed foods mashed and mixed with purées to help transition to solids since he isn’t swallowing all the time yet. I do a lot of yogurt mixed with mashed fruit and purées too. I’ve also tried oatmeal and am trying couscous this week. Basically anything easy to mash and swallow! You can always start with purées and get her swallowing those before solids if you want. We do egg 2-3 times a week and just started peanut butter today to help prevent allergies.
Yes them pushing it out is their thrust reflex, completely normal, that’s why when you see someone feeding a baby and see them push it out they just use the spoon to scrape it off their lip and put it back in 😆 gagging is normal since before solids they’ve only had liquids so it’s a natural response to something more solid and is also a reflex to help them not choke. I have 2 under 2 and for my first we introduced non-sweet veggies the first month and then introduced fruits after that so that’s what we have planned on doing with our 6 month old. My son just turned 2 and isn’t a fan of sweets or will eat sweets in minimal moderation but LOVES his veggies and green beans. We’re very conscientious about what we give our babies especially in their 1st year (ZERO added sugar for the first 12 months no exceptions, etc..) Just keep introducing and don’t forget to start introducing peanut product! (you can get peanut butter puffs to smash and put into a puree or yogurt)
I try and do a breakfast lunch dinner for my baby boy. We started at 4 months with a little bit here and there like mashed bananas VERY mashed, sweet potato puree, potato puree, applesauce, and then introduced yogurt, oatmeal/peanut butter/his milk, baby food if I don’t have the time to make anything like chicken rice, turkey rice, apple chicken, and now he’s at the dinner table with me and I feed him what we eat so broccoli cheddar soup, other soups, salmon, avocado, and I’ve also introduced rice, squash, green beans. I’ve also given him pineapple. I just want him to eat everything. Doctor said no added salt but honestly, a little salt is fine like as adults, we don’t like unsalted things. My mom fed me everything. P.S. bananas can make babies constipated and their poops look like turds lol. 2nd P.S. when they start solids, their poop smells 🤢
@Dina I’ve definitely noticed the stinky diapers 😂 but thank you
homemade organic purée my baby is also 6 months, he is on breastmilk in combination w/ purée: sweet potato (bake & throw in blender with water, viola!) , carrot pureé, lentil purée, strawberry juice( blend steawberries with water), orange slices... mashed banana, homemade apple sauce
How do you know she doesn’t like it? It takes a while for babies to get used to food. If she’s “spitting it out,” that’s completely normal! They’re just working on their tongue movements, gagging is also normal. I’d just put the food on a plate in front of her and let her explore!