Mine was like that and then suddenly one day she just liked food ( sort of, she’s nowhere near 100%) she’s just open to trying . She now has half a pancake and cheese every morning at 10:30. A bit of my bread and a couple pombears crisp. And a couple tiny pieces of whatever I have for tea. Ngl pombears was the one thing that mad e her like food!
Mine is exactly the same will not open his mouth for anything but will fight and slam his hand in my plate trying to eat what I’m eating keep trying apparently I was the same for my mom I barely ate think she said I dudbt start eating proper food till like 2 I would just eat puréed stuff before then
@Alyssa my LO is the same! He will try to grab stuff off my plate and open his mouth to have it (too bad he’s not allowed those foods) but then he will refuse any of the foods he actually needs to try. Also just sticks his hands in the bowl and smothers it everywhereeee but his mouth 😂 these babies man!
No advice but exactly the same here! He won’t open his mouth for anything! It’s starting to stress me out but I guess we just have to keep trying. 🫠