Can't give my daughter the attention that she wants..
During the week my daughter goes to nursery twice a week, goes to my in laws twice a week, is home with me and then me and her dad on the weekend.
I'm also 34W pregnant and I'm just absolutely exhausted. The issue is when she's home with me it's just a full day of crying and tantrums. I just feel like I can't do enough for her. I don't want to sound like a lazy mum but I'm honestly trying my best to keep her entertained. We play, we go to the park, I'm somehow flying round soft play but I am struggling so much because I'm just so tired.
Her Nan and grandad are retired so they have all the energy in the world but I feel like I just cannot compete with how much they are able to do with her when she's with them. She has the best time and I love that for her but I feel like she's just bored and disappointed being home with me. Similarly with nursery, I just physically cannot keep up with the amount of activities they do.
The guilt is eating me alive as we only have a few more weeks together of her being an only child. But because her days aren't as exciting with me, if we're not doing something then it just ends in tears. I sometimes try and take the days a bit slower at home as I find she's normally shattered from nursery but it just never feels good enough.
I can barely even pick her up most days because my body is just in so much pain. I just feel like a shitty and awful mum and I'm just letting her down.
It is truly the worst feeling, mum guilt. I was pregnant with twins from when my daughter was 51/2 months old.. I could barely do anything, and there’s nothing you can do to not feel guilty really but just know you’re doing everything you can and she will not remember this. And she’ll be at a good age for the baby , my daughter is obsessed with my twins. Try look forward to that rather than feeling guilty because at the end of the day you’re growing a human! X