@Julia i think a mix! My plan is to do a puree version of the single ingredient + a steamed/cooked chunk. But no idea how that would work for meals so i will probably do a bit of that before transitioning to fully baby led
So best way to do it start of with veg first as fruit is sweet and baby will get used to it. Solids start app is great for baby led weaning as it shows you how to prepare food. I’ve also done each food for at least 3 days (and kept a food diary as my baby had a few reactions when weaning). Allergens need to be tried on their own so if a reaction does happen you know what it is. Until they are on meals then I wouldn’t worry about feeding out and about just keep their milk until 1 as that’s their main source of nutrition. I introduced meals from around 8 months old after doing purées for 2 months to look out for any reactions x
You can start with whichever meal works for you. A "meal" this young can just be one food. They only need a teaspoon cos thats the size of their stomach. You add a second meal after a month or so then a third after another month or so. Only allergens need to be done individually first. When you first offer foods if you are out for the day just give food at breakfast or evening instead. Baby led weaning can be done from the beginning. Individual fruits and vegetables. They can basically eat whatever you do without added sugar or salt. No honey before one.
Are you planning on puree weaning or baby led weaning? As this changes a lot of the answers x