Should I be out of my sisters house by the time she gets home from the hospital with her baby?

My older sister is coming home with her first baby soon maybe tonight or tomorrow. I’m at her house with my two kids. I’m watching her dogs, I cleaned up the bulk of the mess she didn’t have the energy to get to leading up to labor and I put her rocking chair together. She still has to put the rest of their baby stuff together but I thought she’d like to come home to a chair for them. I also set all her PP supplies next to her toilet. Once my toddler wakes from her nap I’m going out to get some flowers and cupcakes to welcome her home. Should I leave after that? I don’t want to intrude anymore than I already have. Before she left she told me she just saw me as a guest and refused any offer of help. She also said how stressed her house was making her feel so that’s why I cleaned up for her.
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What a total sweetheart! I’m sure she’ll love the help!

I would just ask her. But also depending on her situation like if she's married and is coming home with her partner I would probably leave to allow them to have that once in a life time feeling of coming home with ur newborn. But if she's a single parent who's just gone through birth n stuff and is coming home alone with the baby then she might want the help and stuff especially with the exhaustion of birth and then coming home alone, as well as baby blues and ppd she might not want to be alone. I also just want to say thank u for doing that for her, she's very lucky to have u. I wish I had someone who cared enough about me to that before I came home x

Honestly, after I gave birth to my son and I came home I would’ve loved for my sister or my mom to have been there afterwards so I could just get some rest and they could just take care of my new baby. I would maybe ask her and see what she would want you to do. There could be a possibility she want you to stay.

You sound like the loveliest and most supportive Sister. I hope she appreciates your efforts!

I say, at bare minimum stick around and tell her to take a shower or bath in her own house again after getting home from the hospital. 🫂🫶🏼 Then see what she’d rather

Depends. I absolutely loved my sisters help but they came over every day instead of staying w me they live around the corner. If I called out for anything, they were there. Some mums want their peace and quiet some mums like having people around for company. Every one is different but I crave for that company, if I needed peace and quiet I’d just take my baby into my own room and they watch Netflix or clean for me

If you're pet sitting, be there when she gets home. Then just ask if she would like you to stay or not.

honestly i would ask her if she wants you to be there to help or have you leave before she gets there and when she's ready for help or just your company to let you know.

if she wants space you can always get her some flowers and candies or something and a card and set it up on the counter or something. Just somewhere she can easily see it, just a little welcome home/congrats treat type thing

She probably doesn't realize how much she could use your help once the baby is born. I would like to think that she'd appreciate your help. As long as your toddler isn't waking them up.

After 3days in the hospital post emergency cs. I came home and handed the baby to my partner, my sister and mum. They did the first bath, fed and took care of the baby. Spent the next week sleeping 10hour nights and it was blissful. Couldn’t have done it without their help and God of course.

god i wish i had a sister like you! mine came over when i was in labour, didn't say a word to me, not even good luck😅 i'd say just ask her xx

Honestly I bet helping her around while she adjusts to being with a new baby is a lot of help ur doing so nice.

My mom and sister where at the house waiting when we got home. It was so nice to take a nice shower at home, my mom made everyone dinner I was able to get a nap

Id ask but I'm sure she'd appreciate some help with meals and cleaning as she adjusts to life as a first time mom. I know my sister wanted to be there to help me navigate parenting..her kids were sick so she wasn't around but we FaceTimed and she helped me with breastfeeding.

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You are actually amazing I’d cry coming home to this 😂 But yes, if it were me coming home from hospital I’d be so grateful coming home to a clean welcoming home but I’d want to be on my own for sure!! 🤍 I think it’s a good idea to leave beforehand x

Oh I just saw you have a flight. Definitely ask her in that case. Then maybe just try your best to keep your space as she will want her rest & recovery. You’re such a good sister though. Like I wish I had someone like you in my life 🤍

Honestly this sounds like a dream PP. I would stick around to be home and see what she says. My mum came round after I got home. Brought food, helpede breast feeding, cooked, cleaned. Everyone says no visitors but I had a rule. No visitors who wouldn't help. So no visitors we'd have to 'host'. I wasn't playing host and making people cups of tea. My mum did whatever I needed.

What a lovely sister you are.I did the same for a pregnant girl I used to know in Florida and after I was done I left.. but if your sister doesn't have a partner to help her out just ask her if she wants you to stay longer until she gets settled in or until it's your deadline to go back home officially❤️

@Willow I agree with willow. If she's a single mom stay, cook for her, and finish putting her other stuff together. Put some snacks and water bottles next to her bed.

That's very lovely. I would tell her that you plan on leaving so she can have private time with her family. If she wants you to stay she will tell you. If not she will thank you and invite you over whenever she feels right about it

See what she says, she might even appreciate the extra hand with baby x

I came home from the hospital, my SIL started cleaning all of my pump parts, my brother set up big items, my parents doted on the baby. It was amazing. BUT if she's worried about germs and viruses, please leave the house before they come home. She'll be forever grateful you've cleaned and organized. You are an amazing sister ❤️

You sound like the best sister, mine didn’t turn up for 9 weeks…I would have loved to have had that support. Maybe book a night at a b&b or something close by and pop in on her after she comes home x

Awww that's so sweet of you ❤️

That’s SUCH a personal decision and depends on a person and situation. I would personally HATE having people in my house when I brought my baby home. My husband would too. I get so overwhelmed by people, even when they try to help and are super nice and helpful, I just want my peace. Is she single? Then she might want help. If she’s married, I’d let them have their house to themselves. You definitely should offer and ask her and she what she says.

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