throwing food

How are we getting our little ones to stop eating throwing their food?? My son keeps throwing food on the floor and than getting super happy when the dogs come to grab it. But because of that he’s almost not eating now 😭😵‍💫 I’ve told him no, no we don’t throw. And i continue to do that. I’ve taken his food away and than give it back after a few minutes. But he just keeps doing it.
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Following my son is starting to do the same thing

You don't 😂 I think you just get better at cleaning it up until the grow out of it. That being said, I think I've seen slight improvement from having what I'm going to feed her on a separate plate and then when she reaches for it I let her take what she wants (as opposed to putting it all on her plate at the beginning). She also likes using the same metal utensils we use, even though they do still end up on the floor it just takes longer. Also, have a backup item you know they like so if they're not having it with what you give them at least they might eat that (mine's obsessed with strawberries). Other than that, just solidarity. My dog hasn't had a solid poop since we started solids lol

Literally so annoying lol but babies do that. We don't have a dog but I wish we did 😢

Definitely put the dogs up before dinner.. it cuts down on the entertainment of them getting the scraps.. I let our dogs out after bubs is done eating but before I've unbuckled him from his highchair. The dogs do the preliminary cleaning 🫣

Let me know when you got it figured out haha. Same over here

It's become a game with the dogs. Try to put them somewhere else when baby eats (it doesn't last forever just temporary). When he throws the food remind him that food stays on his tray/plate and offer your hand/bowl to place the food he doesn't want in it. Doing this took us a few months but now my daughter throws significantly less food and really only seems to do it when she's done eating or doesn't like what we've offered.

Mine only throws his vegetables on the ground for the dogs and they don’t even want them 😂 he wouldn’t dare throw anything else because he is a major foodie.

Thanks everyone 😅😅 I started locking the dogs in another room during meal times. And it’s definitely helped. Still some throwing but no where near as much 😅😵‍💫 goodluck everyone!!

@Brittany it gets better over time 😅 we're finally getting to the stage where she uses her fork and will let me know when she's all done.

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