Am I in the wrong?

Saturday my fiancés family decided to pierce my four year old daughter’s ears without my permission, when I was at work. I had previously stated to my fiancé that I would LIKE to have her ears pierced, however, at the doctor’s office and in my presence. He took this simply as “She wants our daughter’s ears pierced.” So when he went to his cousins house for a party HE GOT THEM PIERCED WITH AN EAR PIERCING GUN and then posted about it on social media. Of course, I got upset and confronted the whole family on their group chat about it and took the earrings out. They gaslit me the whole time, and said I wanted her ears pierced, but NO ONE.TOLD. ME. Not her dad, not her cousin that did the piercing, no one. I was then attacked and told I was “tacky” for talking about the situation on the family chat. My daughter’s dad finds out and gets mad that I did that (absolutely disgusting he didn’t defend me, but instead gaslit me as well) and tries to go off on me. I ignore him. His mom then calls me and yells at me to put the earrings back in, I say no and tell her to shut up. She tells me the kids must not be his then and to stop talking to her. His aunt then decides to take the initiative to contact his mom and reveal that I told her in secrecy about his little sister’s pregnancy that was being kept a surprise for the family ( which I absolutely regret telling her now). She was trying to be vindictive. How cute. His sister then calls rightfully upset that I said anything and starts crying and yelling at me. That being said all this over earrings. So tell me am I in the wrong? (Besides the sister pregnancy thing ofc)
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No you are absolutely not in the wrong in any way shape or form and I would be furious if I were you and would gladly stop talking to the lot of them, especially after his mum saying that about how they mustn’t be his kids, what an odd and immature thing to say because you said no to putting them back in. The pregnancy thing, that was wrong but you obviously know that and that’s a different matter and still doesn’t make what they’ve done right. I would probably go and get them checked over and get some decent earrings in for her though, as annoying as it it, just so she doesn’t have to go through the trauma of having them done again now it’s already been done. I’m not sure how they think confronting them in a group chat is tacky either, I’d have done the same!

You’re not wrong for being upset but I think your anger should have been directed at him. His family only knew what he told them

@Emma I agree I tried to apologize to the sister who was pregnant as she was SO upset. I probably will get her solid gold earrings for now and stop associating with the family asap. This whole situation has been bizarre and blown WAY out of proportion.

@Daija I told him beforehand and after an and this is not the first time this case has happened and created a huge argument…….

That just reinforces what I said more. To me the anger at his family is displaced therefore the messaging to his family was wrong. Unless you’ve had conversations with them and I’m missing that. Otherwise they wouldn’t have known they were doing anything that would upset you. He’s the one who knew your plans etc

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