I don’t know If anyone’s mastered this but please I need tips!

Does anyone know how to get baby back in buggy without a screaming match. I like to let her out and about but want to put her back in when needed without the screaming crying that lasts ages! I’ve tried snacks and phone to watch something/ a toy but nothing!! Any tips?
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Depends on age but I would say that bribery doesn't work for most things in the good run because they will start doing it on purpose. They know they will get a "reward" if they scream, in this case food (should never be given as reward to avoid future eating problems) or phone. Essentially it's rewarding bad behaviour. I usually talk it out. Explain that is buggy or walking. I'm not picking him up. Not easy and there will be some screams here and there but being constant is key. My son knows that no matter how much he screams I will not carry him for long of we have a pram. He now goes without being asked, or cries a bit, I hug him and explain that mom can't carry him and that he can walk or going in the pram. Lately he prefers to walk but he used to go in the pram. You can do it, good luck and be strong!

My girl does this on and off and it’s so frustrating! The only thing that worked for us is having snacks and letting her eat while in the pram. Sometimes it could be they want to move more and don’t want to be restricted, I got a trike on Facebook marketplace and she absolutely loves being in it

My 7 month old son does this, if I’ve been carrying him and then put him back in the pram he hates it, it makes it worse when people stare and shake their heads like I’m the worlds worst mum, it gets so overwhelming. I’ve started trying sensory type stuff as a distraction. I let him hold it for 5 minutes first then let him keep hold of it when I put him back in the pram and it seems to work x

I'm the same as @Alessia - I have a set phrase that I use when we need to go in the pram. I say 'we're going in the pram now because we are going to go suuuuper fast' or 'we're going in the pram now because we have to walk reeaaalllly far' and I say it in a calm, jokey way. If she says no or starts getting frustrated, I tend to say 'I know, poor Sophie, but we're going in the pram now' and then I put her in and at first she would try screaming etc. but I would just calmly say the same phrase and then just keep walking and maybe pointing out nice things on the way, and she soon got distracted. Now she occasionally says no to the pram but it's very half hearted and she doesn't make a fuss because she knows it won't change things. I think the key is trying not to get flustered and staying consistent. Xxx

@Alessia she’s only 18 months so not sure she’d fully understand talking it out yet 😢thank you though ♥️

@Alessia also I’m wandering when you say food shouldn’t be a reward it wasn’t used as a reward more of a distraction to get her in buggy in first place. I’ve also been advised about stopping breastfeeding to distract with food by hv… would this cause future problems with eating 🤔

I'm not a doctor so I can't really recommend you anything. However, I've never heard of a HV recommending to stop breastfeeding. That's absolutely a red flag for me. Breastfeeding should stop when mum and bubba are ready. It does not impact eating. Baby should eat regardless of breast because at 18 it's more a comfort than actual feed. About food in general, i would not use it as a distraction. Kids need to concentrate while eating, that why no screen, or play, or other types of distractions are allowed while eating. Without distractions they learn to explore, try texture and will avoid kids rejecting some food on toddler age. This being said, this is my experience given my study of the matter. My son is not a picky eater at all (he's 3) don't know if I'm lucky or if because of how I raised him. I can only say what the pediatrician recommended about starting solids, but again I'm not a doctor

@Alessia no she didn’t recommend I ask for tips on how to stop breastfeeding she said I could use food/snacks instead of breast when she is wanting it to help wean etc

If you want to stop breastfeeding then yes use distraction but not food. Maybe say let's dance, or play something or sing. Or if baby asks you say are you hungry? And then offer food. Of not hungry maybe you just want a cuddle? I wouldn't say you want the breast take a banana instead. This in my opinion could create resentment towards food. Ask instead of hungry, if not hungry then cuddle time :) and also for the pram, talk talk talk. I know you think she's too small to understand but she's not. You be gentle e give 2 options, walk or pram, if she cries explain why you need to put her on the pram. Kids absorb everything, they might not grasp everything but they will learn by words and habits. I thought baby signs to my baby since he was 2 months, of course he could not replicate or communicate back, but you could see he was concentrated and was still learning. He started replying back after 6 months but doesn't mean the work I've done before was for nothing. Same here, talk to her and explain the reasons 💕

@Alessia ah thanks for info. I do know she understands things just not fully because she still is only little 😂 xx

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