
Do any other married ladies feel as though they are a single parent when it comes to looking after little one? Don’t get me wrong my man’s a good man and he provides for us but when it comes to taking care of little one he lacks. I wake up earlier in morning get myself ready and then wake little one up get him ready for the day, give him breakfast take him nursery whilst husband stays in bed. I then pick him up and am the one to do every nappy and all the playing whilst other half plays on his phone. If I ask go have shower or put washing away (I do all washing cleaning too) he just sticks wiggles on as soon as I leave the room. I’ve asked him to help more and he does say he needs pull his finger out more but never does 🤷🏼‍♀️ any one in the same situation or come Out the other side? 🙏🏼 at my whits end also pregnant with number 2 and don’t know how I’m meant cope doing everything for 2 on my own I’m exhausted!
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Sounds very much like how I feel about my husband at the moment. He gets our son dressed in the morning then gets back in bed. Gives him a bath 2 or 3 times a week but I have to ask. I feel like he barely spends any proper time with him . If he is 'watching ' him he puts the TV on and sits on his phone. Came in the room to our son opening the side board pulling things out and husband just sat on the sofa the other day 🤦‍♀️ I have to ask him to change nappies or make food for him when he's at home or he let's me do everything. He says it's hard as he isn't doing the routine like me and I get thay but still, I wish he would think more about what our son needs sometimes and me too.

Nice to know I’m not the only one. Maybe I need start asking more but I always feel like I’m nagging. They should know what needs to be done there’s 2 parents in the house they should help 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s so annoying and frustrating he seems to have all this “chill” time whilst I run around looking after little boy and doing all the housework x

Yeah I never liked to ask cause I don't want be nagging but then when I've asked he said he would rather I ask than be in a mood with him . I can't help it though and it feels tiring. I said to him I feel like I have to be his mum sometimes too.

Yeah maybe I should start asking because I feel like after the morning rush I’m always win a mood with him whilst he’s having his morning coffee and time to himself before work I’m a mess from Running round before work feel like I’ve had a shift before I’ve gone work 😂 x

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