@Jade I have never been seen by an endocrinologist, even I tried to push for it several times. And now my GP wants to change my medication again, but doesn’t really look into the cause (and all my thyroid levels are out the normal range 🥲). I will push for a referral 🙏
Omg? That doesn’t sound right. Definitely try and push for one and if you are not listened to - it may seem extreme, but change GP as they should be monitoring, as we know our levels are constantly changing especially i’ve found, after childbirth x
Ok, thank you. I was just not sure ifni am overreacting and overthinking it. But today my TSH level came back at 0,02 and I thought this is not right 🙈
Definitely not overreacting. We know our bodies best!! I hope you manage to get it sorted 💛
Thank you 🩷
I have Graves’ disease (overactive thyroid) and my levels were fine in pregnancy but then were abnormal again at 9 months postnatal. I was referred back to endocrine and put back on medication. Definitely think you should be under endocrine and would push for a referral!
Thyroid levels fluctuate a lot during pregnancy so need close monitoring if on levothyroxine etc so you should be under antenatal endocrine as levothyroxine crosses placenta too and thyroid hormone important for baby development x Just noticed you mentioned already given birth even postnatal you should be with an endocrinologist x
Thank you all so much. I will definitely push for a referral. @Jade how did they diagnose your Graves’ disease?
@Clara TSH was <0.01 and I had high T4. I saw endocrine and they tested me for TRAB antibodies - if they’re present it confirms Graves. I was referred to endocrine back in 2018 when I first had the results, during my first pregnancy in 2023 (even though my levels were normal then), postnatally in 2024 when it came back and again during this pregnancy (i’m still on medication now since my last baby). I know every GP/area does things differently, but it seems odd they’ve never referred you to a specialist. Hopefully a second opinion will help ☺️
@Jade thank you. And yes, I am surprised they never referred me, as I have Hashimoto and I was under a specialist back in Germany. 🙈
Hiya! We are on in the same boat pretty much, same diagnosis but was diagnosed 6 years ago. I was under an endocrine team throughout my pregnancy and have continued to be with the same team (hospital, I gave birth at) post-partum. Are you having any regular blood tests? I would speak with your GP and request to be referred x