Does your LO sing to themselves

I noticed it a few weeks back but over the last week I've clocked the lyrics 😅 He's singing Baa Baa Black sheep and it's just adorable. Are your little ones singing to themselves and if so, what's their song of choice?
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Stop! That is so adorable, my LG just makes noises but now you've said this I'm going to check if there is some kind of pattern.

@Laura Yeah I totally thought he was just talking to himself, but it was slightly sing songey and then I heard the odd word in there like 'baa' and could pick out the notes. Honestly it's so darn cute 🥹 Have a listen, she might be signing you a little nursery rhyme

Yes. It's the worst when it's in the middle of night and she won't go back to sleep and she's singing twinkle twinkle little star 🤣🤣 it's lush but not the right time. She sings a lot. She loves old McDonald had a farm, twinkle twinkle, hickory dickory dock (she sings tick tock tick tock) row row row your boat. She even has dance moves which are hilarious 😂

Oh god, have I been missing out on this?? She's with her nan tonight but I will absolutely be paying more attention to her rambling when she's back, I just assumed she was telling me the most in depth conversation, will ask her nan to listen out for it as well. God, they are just too cute! 🥰

@Vicky Oh that's adorable! Yes waking in the night to sing twinkle twinkle 🤣 I'd forgotten that 🤣🤣🤣 Why now?!!

@Laura So so cute 🥹 precious little souls

Yes! He doesn't have the words yet but babbles the tune! We have twinkle twinkle and miss Rachel's can you say mama song (they don't watch it but I heard it and sing it to him regularly)

Yes and it’s so cute! Wind the bobbin is his fave. Yesterday he started singing ‘let it go’ quite clearly while I was changing his nappy 😂 his 3yo sister has it on repeat almost constantly

Oh my goodness these stories are adorable

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