Delayed milestones

Hey my son is 9 months old next week and has been going physio for issues with arm weakness which has now resolved. His physio kind of made me feel like a bad mum as she said he should be crawling, getting into sitting position and pulling himself up on to things which he doesn’t do. Basically telling me she wants him to do that before his next appointment next month. I feel like I’m not being listened too as he has issues with other things like him having difficulties with food which is another thing we are dealing with. I told his paediatrician that I don’t want to take him there as I feel like I put down as a bad mum but they said still have to take him. How can you force a 9 month old to do these things? Also other doctors have stated he will do it in his own time 🤷🏻‍♀️
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There is no way of forcing babies/children to do anything, of course you can prompt them and try and show them things but ultimately they will always do things when theyre ready. I'm sorry you've had that experience, no one, especially a professional should make you feel that way. If it makes you feel any better, my 9 month old isnt doing any of those things either, yes he sits up, but only if I place him there. But hes still "swimming" on his tummy and no where near at the point of being able to pull himself up yet. I put it down to him having difficulties with his vision so his perception may be a bit off. But when I think about it, my eldest didnt do any of this until he was around 11 months and then suddenly he was up and walking at 13 months. You're not a bad mum, your baby is just not ready x

I can understand him being in physio for arm weakness but if that's now resolved and he's perfectly fine I can't see reason why he has to keep going. Plus all of the milestones you stated he's still within the time frame for them. Crawling/pulling to stand/getting in and out of sitting can be any time within 7-12 months, and even then, every baby is different so some may do it earlier, some later. So to me, he's still well within that time frame so what's their concern? I'm sorry they're being so negative and making you feel like that

Sorry you’ve experienced this, my little boy is 9 months on Saturday and can’t get himself into a sitting position unless we put him in it and can’t crawl yet either, he also doesn’t pull himself up. He tries to but he can’t do it. You’re not a bad mom. You’re doing a great job because you saw an issue and have got a physio and other professionals involved to help your little boy and give him the best start. Sounds like you’re doing a great job to me and he will get there in his own time. xx

I think you are amazing mom. The fact you took him to physio and pediatrician it’s a perfect example of it and I’m sure there is more. And the physio should be ashamed because she should be the one giving you tips how to help your little one to get there and not demanding to do things. My little girl can’t sit up on her own and can’t crawl she will be 9 months in 1 week and 1 day.

Thank you for the replies, makes me feel a little better knowing he’s not the only one doing those things yet. Cause I’m a first time mum they kinda look at me like I don’t have a clue what I’m doing. It took me 6 months for them to figure out something was wrong with his arm after demanding for them to do something.

You are not a bad mum and are certainly not the only factor contributing to when he hits milestones!! My daughter is also not yet crawling, sitting unsupported or pulling up. I'm not worried... partly because her brother was the same as a baby and he is a thriving happy 3 year old with no delays, and partly because I also see her personality is a bit lazy princess type tbh🤷‍♀️ she's happy and affectionate and interactive and super chilled. My kids just arent super physical. it would be boring if they were all the same. However if you do have other health concerns don't accept being fobbed off or blamed and always ask to speak to someone's senior! X

You cannot force a baby to do anything! That’s disgusting of the physio. My son is crawling but isn’t sitting or cruising yet. He turns 9 months next week. I’m not concerned as each child develops at their own pace

That sounds ridiculous. I never crawled as a baby - straight to walking at one. My baby is nearly 10 months, no interest in crawling or pulling himself up. Has started sitting up in the last week or so but always topples over. Don’t put pressure on yourself , he will do things in his own time. If it’s linked to other things that will show in time, but you sound like a great mum so try and give yourself a break x

My baby is 9 months and she also doesn’t crawl, doesn’t pull to stand . She does however sit but not for long and does Topple over. I spoke to my HV who basically said all babies develop in their own timeline and to not google and not to worry at this stage. Sorry they are making you feel rubbish, you cant force a baby to do anything they are not ready for. I do understand the worry as I am the same and see babies her age crawling etc but we need to just try and remind ourselves they all get there eventually and when they are older these things won’t matter xx

My little girl is 8 months, crawls, can pull herself up but can't figure out how to get in to sitting from laying. Your not a bad mum, he just clearly has no clue as to when babies should be doing these things. Nearly all of them are 6-12 months. You're little one will do it when ready and not a second sooner. Don't worry and ignore this silly man. 😜 there is no way to get babies to do these things before they figure it out for them selves they are on their own timelines not ours

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