
Those of you that use Kendamil, do you use the follow on milk now or still using the first infant milk?
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I use the follow on as it's for 6-12 months I found this really interesting

I went to the follow on and Lars got along so much better with it z

I stayed with first infant, also for reasons Phillipas link explains

We stayed first - my daughter didnt like the follow on but we’re only giving one bottle a day as i normally BF

Stayed with 1st

@Philippa but follow on is not for 12 months plus, that’s the toddler one I believe

Thanks ladies. I’ve read there isn’t much difference and follow on is cheaper. I breastfeed but give her a bit of formula when others are looking after her x

They’re the same they just aren’t allowed to advertise first infant

We moved to follow on as it had better availability. The first infant always seemed to be empty. We will be stopping at 12 months and going to cows milk

Follow on milk only because when there was issues getting it I didn’t want to be using the first infant and then some poor mum couldn’t get it for their newborn!

Follow on milk as you can get boots points!

Follow on - can earn and also buy with boots points.

I use whatever I can get my hands on.

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