With my first son I only really dealt with my own midwife but obviously may be different at other trusts so I'd definitely get in contact and maybe mention it
I’d give them a call and just let them know. When I had my son my midwives changed all the time as the dedicated one went on sick leave. Worth checking for your peace of mind 😊
I have been assigned a midwife for pregnancy who is part of the community midwives but will be hospital team of midwives at delivery! So it’s possible they will differ. If you’re not comfortable I would ring up explain and ask to be re-assigned x
They will most likely differ. With my first i saw my assigned midwife three times, the rest of the time she was sick or on holiday so it was other people. Once i was in hospital i had 8 different midwives by the time my son was born as they switch every few hours so you’ll most likely rarely see her 😅 if you aren’t comfortable you just need to call the maternity team and tell them you wish to change, they *may* ask you to send an email to confirm but they should be able to change them for you as i once looked into doing the same thing because my assigned midwife just had lack of care for the job and was very rude to deal with but as luck would have it she was never there anyway so i didn’t need to change
@Maeve thank you! This is what I was hoping for as I don’t want to “make a scene” if it was unlikely I’ll see her x
You can probably just call the maternity team and let them know you’re not comfortable with one of the people on your team. I only have my community midwife assigned so not sure how a care team works