Aww Thank you for the encouragement. It’s hard not to compare and I know he has fantastic comprehension but i’d love to hear his little voice🥹 I have and he’s been referred to a S&L support group for toddlers
Do you take him to stay and play? He might pick up a bit more if you did. Also I find that colourful flip picture cards are helping my little girl and miss Rachel even though she is very annoying 😂
Sounds very similar to my little boy like a month ago but his words have started coming almost like a new word every day or every other day now. Still doesn't put them together so only single words though. My health visitor could see he is a busy child with little attention span right now but full understanding of basically everything said to him so she said she thought he was just on the verge of it all coming. Every child is definitely different and develops in their own way and time. I think it's important to take a situation as a whole
My little one at a similar stage. We’re still working on single words. He will say things like ‘ mummy eat’ if he’s hungry, or ‘ mummy butt’ if he wants his nappy changed. But everything else is single words. He can count up to 3 but that’s it. I haven’t counted his single words but I think it’s around 30 - 40 words , maybe more. My health visitor and speech therapist said that it should come soon and gave me some tips on how to encourage his speech and add more words to his vocabulary. They were not too concerned because he’s trying to communicate and loves singing songs although not very clear at all. Hopefully in the next couple of months his speech will improve. They all develop at different speed x
My daughter is exactly the same and I don’t think it’s unusual personally, they do it in their own time when they’re ready
It’s very common if they are an only child. My first born babbled a lot and spoke gibberish. Now my second born he don’t shut up. I wouldn’t worry even more so when HV says they doing great. Kids develop differently
@malyka not as much as I probably should but it’s very difficult to time it right with a 9 month old and both still having naps when the stay and plays are also taking place. He goes to the childminder twice a week though. I hear how helpful Ms Rachel is but also trying to crackdown on screentime as my toddler now has massive meltdowns if we don’t switch it on when he wants the tv on I hope I haven’t failed him! I really feel like he’s dropping words he used to say like “thank you”, “bye bye”
@Gemma awww bless him. Sounds like your boy is doing really well. Likewise my boy is a ball of energy and so busy! Maybe a lot of processing going on. Thank you, will continue to remain hopeful
@Edita awww how cute of him. This sounds really encouraging and positive, you can tell he’s really trying! I look forward to starting the Speech and language support sessions and receive some tips too. Im sure their little brains are working super hard to try and process everything they’re learning and capable of. Well done for all the hard work too!!!
@Chloe aww it’s bittersweet that my boy isn’t the only one. Sometimes it can feel like he’s so behind or that i’ve failed him with having had another baby when he was only 16 months when I see his peers speaking so much at this age but you’re right, best to remember every child will do it on their own time, thank you xx
@Wayne awww very different! I can see the differences already. My 9 month old says “thank you” “uh oh”, “well done” “get down” in his own way but you can hear that’s what he’s saying. It amazes me how children pick up on those around them so hopefully my toddler will continue to develop in his own way and tim
My daughter is exactly the same. They develop in their own time and different to other children so I wouldn’t compare and feel downhearted about it. Has he had his 2 year progress check with the health visitor? I’ve just started putting my daughter on the toilet she will say potty all day copying from what she has learnt but has only ever done a wee on the toilet once. She is still in nappies full time but will tell me as soon as she has done a poo so I am taking that as she will be ready soon. My son on the other hand is 5 and still will only have a poo in a nappy but will wee in the toilet so is in pants in the day and nappy at night and when he puts one on to go for a poo. They all develop differently and at different paces x