My son has never paid attention to others lol he also never cried if someone else held him! Kinda scary how easily my baby goes to others 😕 he walked up to a complete stranger and put his arms up lmao
My boys like smiling at pretty girls. lol.
I’ve been very relaxed with our baby. We pass him off to anyone and everyone. Friends, family, strangers, etc. Even when he was really little. Our friend’s baby really struggled with that. Hated everyone but mom and dad. So they could never leave them with friends/family (even at parties if they were right there, let alone overnight), no babysitter, even daycare and preschool were struggles. So we’ve tried to expose our LO to as many people as possible. We just pass him around - like Oprah “you get a baby, you get a baby, everyone gets a baby!” (I didn’t realize my GIF would send in a separate post. Oops sorry!)
So my daughter is okay with women and has always been. She used to also be okay with men but she cries now if she sees a man she doesn’t recognize.
@Alana we did the same. I was aware of children in my life who weren’t exposed to others and have major stranger anxiety now. I didn’t want that to happen to my wee boy.
@Alana unrelated but nice name 😅
Loves them interacting and talking to her but not if they try hold her