Haha yep same here! I just try and then stop when it gets too difficult 😂 it won’t always be like that x
We do it together as a family. No phones allowed. We go up, play for 5 minutes, pjs milk and two books then put down in cot. If you’re on your own have you tried giving baby something to hold like a teething ring/teddy or you could put them in the cot then read to them? xx
If your baby takes a dummy that might help? We usually give him his dummy and then read the book together before putting him down. We also read the same book every night and he recognises that book as a bedtime cue so he doesn't react the same as he does when we read in the daytime. Good luck!
Me and my husband currently do the bedtime routine together, so whilst I'm feeding her, he reads the book. When it's just me doing it (when hubby is working) it's a lot harder