Introducing Supplementary formula?

Hello! My little one is 5 1/2 months and I have been exclusively breastfeeding. I am wanting to introduce a bottle so I can give him to my partner or mum for a few hours here and there. I was hoping to pump as I did this with my eldest however this time with two small children pumping just isn't working for me. I was considering introducing some formula and just wanted to get others experiences with this as I'm still unsure. Can it work? How does it work for you? I want to continue breastfeeding as his main source of food, will introducing formula at this stage interfere with this? Can they have it here and there or does it need to be more regular for it to work? Any advice much appreciated. Thank you 😌
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I have introduced formula in the day and night feeds and first feed in the morning is breastfed, mentally i was telling myself she wasn’t getting enough breastmilk, so having formula has helped me loads, and she’s taken to formula brilliantly. I just did it slowly, dropped one feed at a time, and i haven’t been engorged once by it. x

I do it, but I'd say you need to do a regular number of bottles. It won't work to suddenly do lots of bottles one day without pumping. I generally do 1 bottle a day at bedtime. If I need to do a bottle earlier in the day for whatever reason then I bf at bedtime instead so it still works out to 1 bottle a day. If I was going to miss multiple feeds in a day I'd have to pump to make up for it, at least as many pumps as feeds I have missed. Hope that makes sense. But no it won't interfere, I did the same with my first baby and breastfed til just before she turned 1.

@Carol thank you that's really reassuring to hear. X

@Tanya thank you. Yes I thought that perhaps a bottle a day would be probs be best just so he gets used to it! It's reassuring to know it can be done successfully 😊

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