Desperate plea for advice - baby is completely off milk

Please no judgement comments etc, I’ve gone through our GP, health visitor and my last resort will be 111 / hospital. My baby is completely well in himself from what I can tell and GP exams, but he is completely off his feeds. I am struggling to achieve 24-32 ounces, we’re lucky to hit 21. The only advice I get is “as long as he’s having enough wet nappies a day he is fine” - he has 5-6 wet nappies per day. Since January he’s only gained 1lb of weight, I’ve tried adjusting feeds in terms of how many oz I’m offering (he was on 7 oz feeds , drinking between 6-7) but now I’m lucky if he drinks 3 oz per feed, I’ve tried lowering to 4oz and so on at the advice of our health visitors and this has not helped, he still will not finish his feed. He’s 6 months old this Sunday. Has anyone else’s baby done this, any advice? What more can I do?! Breastmilk or formula is their main source of nutrition for the first year and I am feeling completely at a loss now.
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I would suggest teeth may be the problem or the size of the teat. Try sizing the teat up if you haven't already and try applying teething gel about 10 minutes before a feed. Just for reference we moved to size 3 teats about 3 weeks ago. My LO is 6 months tomorrow and some days we get 34oz and some we get 24oz it just depends on his mood. I also found that by going off his feeding cues rather than trying to feed every 3 hours it was better. Sometimes we get 2 hours between a bottle and sometimes it is 4 hours x

1lb might not feel like a lot but in comparison to a baby's weight that a good amount. I don't know what your baby weighs but if he was a stone or 14 pounds in January for example then he's added over 7% to his body weight. I don't know if that's of any comfort, I'm a facts and figures kind of person so just thought I'd share that. Hope you're able to relax a little!

My LO went through a phrase like this (still does). She has improved slightly since her two teeth broke through. She dropped her milk massively around Xmas and I would say only this week is increasing again in volume (still not what she was drinking). She dropped to about 18oz and has been around 20/22oz since. This week she’s at 24oz daily. It’s really hard not to worry but think like this:- 1. Do you eat the same amount of calories everyday? I know some days I miss my lunch completely 🙃 or next day I’m so hungry I eat and eat. 2. All babies are different. My LO has never eaten what’s “recommended” on the back of the formula tin. 3. You’ve said it yourself - your baby is well in himself! 😍 Motherhood is one anxiety after another! You are doing amazing! Little man isn’t losing weight and is having wet/ dirty nappies. Just roll with him. Xx

@Hayley thank you he’s just under 17lbs so I guess when you put it like that he’s doing well! :)

@Kerenza thank you so much for sharing this, glad I’m not the only ones who’s gone through this stage and hope your girls feeling better now her teeth have come through! It definitely is all a big anxiety especially as it’s my first baby I just get very anxious I’m doing the wrong thing. But he’s really well in himself and happy, I just get scared he’ll be dehydrated. I offer water in between to keep up hydrations though :)

I had this when my LG was poorly. The doctors at hospital and GP were not concerned because she was still gaining weight. I ended up giving her less bottles and she started drinking more per bottle. So she was having 5 bottles and hardly drinking 4oz, I dropped one bottle and she went up to 7oz in 4 bottles. That seemed to work for us. I don’t know if you’ve given that a go but worth a try. X

My eldest went off her milk at 4.5 months. GP and HV suggested loads to get her to take more but nothing worked in the end we started solids early. She just didn’t like milk but loved food. I just made sure to add as much of her milk to her food as possible. As others have said though, it’s normal for babies appetite to decrease and increase at times. My girl usually has around 20oz a day, some weeks it drops to 15oz where as the last two days it’s increased to 31oz. As long as he is happy, alert, having plenty of dirty/wet nappies and gaining some weight he is fine.

And just for reference, my eldest is 2 and only weighs 19lb. So don’t worry about weight. Go by how he is.

@Rachel thank you Rachel, my boy is like this! We weaned slightly earlier as per HV advice and I feel like he’d eat all day if I let him but never drink milk! Loves water, but hates the milk. Even tried putting milk in the sippy cups imstead of the water but it was a big fat fail. I usually manage between 20-26oz but it’s a struggle, I use the milk for porridge and rusks instead to try and get the intake up.

Add a multivitamin to his feed of his milk is a little down. That’s what the HV suggested to me. My eldest went down to one bottle of milk by 8 months. Once we went onto cows milk it did improve as she loved the taste.

Keep talking to your GP and Health Visitor. Keep monitoring how many wet nappies your child is doing. A lack of wet nappies could be linked to dehydration or not drinking/eating enough. If your LO is teething, this could have an effect on appetite. If it is teething, try and sooth the pain and you may find appetite may come back. Maybe a combination of teething gel and Calpol. My eldest whom is now 2 and a half years had calpol and then cucumber sticks to chew on, this won't work with my 6month old as she haaaates cucumber. Also have you started food yet? This may also be having an effect on their milk feeds?

If it is related to teething, then experiment with the temp of the bottle. Mine got really really fussy and upset as he didn’t like warm milk when he was going through a bad teething stage. Mine has always been super fussy with feeds, so just know you’re not alone xx

My little one is exactly the same. Used to guzzle c32 ounces a day and now she probably averages about 21 ounces a day. As long as nappies are wet they would tell you if they were still hungry. They need a lot less from c 6 months as the rate of growth slows hugely compared to when they’re younger so wouldn’t worry. Doctor told me a hungry baby won’t settle until they’re fed and not to force it if they don’t want it.

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