We are going through the same thing!! Her appetite has reduced, she takes small amount of feeds and either refuses the bottle or play with the teat to pacify
Yes! My girl is the same right now
Same with breastfeeding. It’s an absolute battle. I dread feed time because he’s just not bothered for it so just messes
My boy used to do the same and only have 30ml, turns out it was silent reflux! He is on gaviscon now and finishes all the bottles. Maybe ask the gp 😊
Omg yes! Started just over 4 months and the last week has been super tough... Can only take the bottle if he's sleeping, about to fall asleep or severely distracted. Otherwise, he starts crying when he sees the boob or as soon as the bottle comes close...
Omg my little girl is doing this! She keeps pushing it out then getting excited because she wants it and that goes on for ages it’s so annoying 😂 She’s so nosey too!!
I’m in the exact same boat with my 4 month old… hoping it’s just a phase and finishes quickly… he’s already having less than he should on a good day! x