Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.
If anyone else is in the same boat please comment.
Hi mamas! This is my 2nd pregnancy and my first was an emergency csection, Quick question weve booked a week away in June to tenerife ill be 35 weeks going and 36 weeks when i get back, has anyone else done this with there 2nd pregnancy? Any tips or tricks or stories welcome!😌🤍
Hey! Just found out I’m 4 weeks pregnant - I am also 16 weeks pp. baby’s may be a year apart. Anyone else with similar age gaps ? What’s it like? Will need a double buggy and bigger car any other suggestions? Took us 14 years TTC and we are older so wanted another but didn’t realise we would be blessed so soon. E...
Gender blood results coming through this week but finally saw baby today (chilling out upside down) and everything is tracking great :) so much relief and feel able to get more excited now :)
Hey everyone, last week I found out I am pregnant with my first child 🥰 I am feeling super anxious about becoming a mum and although I’ve wanted this for almost half of my life, now it’s feeling so real I am in my own head so much. Please could you all comment with your most magical moments of becoming a…
So I just found out Christmas I was pregnant. The following week was given my potential due date as Aug 4th. My first born's birthday is August 7th. Since we're planning a c-section, told would be scheduled last week of July. I'm just feeling guilty for this. Like maybe I should have planned better. To top it off, ...
I’ve literally just found out that I’m pregnant with our second baby. We were not trying, however we were discussing a second child, but my husband wasn’t too keen on the idea. I’ve always wanted a second as I am not an only child but my husband is an only child. How do I tell him? I can’t remember when my last peri...
If anyone has had a chemical pregnancy…how long did it take you to get your period back and try again for another baby ? I am currently going through the bleeding stage after my chemical pregnancy.
When do you plan the share the news at work?
21 weeks pregnant today only 19 weeks to go🤰🏻baby girl is the size of a papaya🥹I’ve got my whooping cough vaccine this week which I’m nervous about😫I’ve started feeling baby girl move a lot more consistently now which Is amazing🥰symptoms this past week include increased hunger and appetite, frequent urination,…
Got my positive test on Friday!! Pregnant with my Rainbow baby… praying this one sticks 🙏🏼😭
40 weeks plus 6 today…. So here we go 🤞🏼 next time I go home I’ll have a baby 😳
Anyone else pregnant with baby number 2 and more nervous:scared this time round for birth?? Or isit just me....
Real talk: when are you planning on having a second baby? (If you are!) or when did you decide to try for the next baby if your March baby isn't your first? I want to have a second, but kinda want to enjoy this summer not being pregnant 😂 also spring was such a nice time to have baby... but then waiting…
Just wondering, my boy is going to be 4 next month, but I kind of don't want it over shadowing his birthday or anything, when did you tell your other babies? I'm thinking once I've had the first scan but he's a typical boy, jumps around, needs active stimulation, still loves a pick up cuddle, always on the go, but e...
These 7 weeks since finding out and having no reassurances or appointments have been so tough especially whilst so sick, but tomorrow we have a private first look and gender bloods and then on Friday I’ve got my booking appointment so hoping that next week I’ll get to feel like it’s all actually real and I can start...
anyone else struggling to accept that their baby is like a real baby? 🤣 i am filled with so much love for this thing in my belly, and i still can’t accept that in 6 weeks he’s going to be a real crying screaming pooping baby, it feels SO insane to me
I feel like everyone since my novemeber 22 baby has had another and I'm simply not dere yet
I’m 7 weeks and I’m pregnant and my partner is telling me to take it off🥹 that this year is a busy one for him and we can try end of the year But I’m not gonna do that…I want this baby!! I’m so heartbroken 💔
So uncomfortable at 36 weeks. My daughter was a week late and I am dreading going overdue